Saturday, 12 November 2011

Apple complement its product range

Smartphone, Tablet, Apple TV (the box), computer, MP3 player ... In a world where all the facilities tend to communicate with each other, television is probably the missing link to Apple. So far, the Apple brand did not want to risk it. However, if a product is present in every home, this is it. Sony has fully understood and continues to be a reference in this field. In fact one of the constructor arguments to present his tablet (the Sony S) is its ability to become remote.

Rumors have repeatedly referred to a terminal directly integrating an Apple TV, that is to say, a media gateway that would link smartphone, tablet, computer and television. Another feature expected, an integrated camera as the number of manufacturers already offer. FaceTime would find a place quite natural.

A revolution made possible by Siri?

Only way for Apple to stand out in an area already well established revolutionize television. For several years, engineers and designers to break Apple's head to find an interface that would simplify the navigation on a television. Siri, the new feature exclusive to the iPhone 4S could be the solution. Indeed, the voice recognition software is an interesting alternative to the remote, sworn enemy of Steve Jobs and Apple.
Sitting on the couch, the user does not need to bother with multiple remotes, you only talk to their television: "Read the latest local news," "Watch clips from Coldplay" or "Running the last episode of Dr. House. " The solutions are numerous and go beyond, as the iPhone, the simple framework of television.

Many Apple patents already filed

Apple is obsessed with the patent. Technology that is similar, even remotely, an area covered by Apple is the subject of a patent often many years before the release of a product. Thus, a patent of the Apple brand was discovered on a 3D interface that would control his television simply using gesture, just like what Microsoft offers with Kinect.

In 2010, another patent was born on a technology of 3D without glasses. If the 3D are currently struggling to take off, the 3D without glasses seems a more attractive market although still under exploited. Patent applications were also filed three times in 2011 for software to view and record live television. To top it off, recruitments are discussed regularly in the American Society for positions related to the production of a television.

Jobs would have found the magic formula

So many rumors. But the publication of the biography of Steve Jobs last week, has revived speculation. Indeed, it appears that the former boss and co-founder of Apple has studied the production of this product for many years to finally find a magic formula, "she will have the easiest user interface that 'one can imagine. "
To do so, according to his biographer, Steve Jobs wanted to "do for TV what he did for computers, devices for music and mobile: make simple and elegant." To conclude with a mysterious "I found the solution." Verdict in 2012?

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