Friday, 7 March 2014

3D Printing Can Create Human Tissue To Heal Wounds

3D printers are able to manufacture spare parts for satellites, food and even human organs. Today, the world of fashion began to use 3D printing and designs luxurious rooms also. 3D printing is diversified more. This is explained by the improvement of materials incorporating different metals and materials such as plastic, wood or nylon. Jewelry and accessories 3D printed are already marketed. An Atlanta entrepreneur currently testing a printer that allows you to create unique garments from fabrics polymer material based on carbon.3D printers never cease to amaze us!

After the ability to print food, dentures or even houses, a new stage has been reached, that of bio-printing In other words, the creation of human tissues in 3D. The bio-printing is a matter of well-known research for the scientists and functional technology is already exists with pre-established patterns. The latter is however very demanding and allows no margin of error or modified during printing.

The apparatus used consists of two tanks containing stem cells bathed in culture medium. This method may be about to be replaced by another discovery by laboratories of Carnegie Mellon and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. It is based on the micro -robot capable of assembling different materials, in order to repair human tissues. Researchers led by Savas Tasoglu and Utkan Demirciont developed a hydrogel material a liquid portion and a solid portion similar to contact lenses which are found in living cells.

It is then necessary to control micro- robot remotely using magnetic fields capable of moving between different hydrogels to build cell structures. It is very difficult to realize that human tissue is composed of many types of cells operation. Scientists have still managed to catalog several materials they need to print in 3D to develop these structures such as copper rods, polystyrene beads, silicon chips and the famous hydrogels. The whole is dipped in a liquid to maintain the cells to be alive.

This approach is more accurate than the old method used previously when it comes to print components. It also makes it possible combining flexible and rigid materials together, all at a scale of the order of tens of microns of size, which is adjustable by the micro- robot. Metin Sitti, the professor of Mechanical engineering head of the Laboratory Nanrobitcs Carnegie Mellon told that their work will revolutionize the precision assembly of blocks of complex and heterogeneous tissues in three dimensions and facilitate the understanding of tissue engineering systems.

The encoding method and manipulation developed here may find wide applications in areas such as diagnostics, regenerative medicine, engineering micro physiological systems, pharmaceutical and biological research, and manufacture microscopic according to Utkan Demirci.

 The micro- robot can analyze cells, manipulate eliminate targets or change direction on a scale that we could not reach before and it can be regarded as a microscopic clamp capable of gripping and moving individual cells or groups in a 3D environment.

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