Google has just announced the arrival of the Chrome 34 Beta. With the full support of the Web Audio API, this helps the developers without prefixing their audio tag for the browser. The work of developers will be a little easier with Beta version of Google Chrome browser. The developer may use it or not that is up to them and several features of the version announced by Google in beta, will simplify integration.
In general, advance features are always available on every release of the new version of Chrome. Several new features are announced now also that includes the control "hands” with the simple phrase “OK Google". First, the arrival of simplified images responsive design writing is possible with this new version. We will not repeat the arguments of Google in its entirety - roughly what everyone knows, uses evolve with new appliances and therefore various screen sizes - but there is the arrival of the attribute ' srcset for the image tag. Here is the sample code provided by Google:
<img alt = " A rad wolf . " src = " pic1x.jpg " srcset = " pic1x.jpg 1x, 2x pic2x.jpg , pic4x.jpg 4x ">
This solution, which allows you to easily manage images in responsive design is simple. This new feature was already expected, especially as the Webkit rendering engine incorporated in August 2013. Blink - rendering engine Webkit fork and developed by Google since version 28 of Chrome – hence it was easy to make it possible.
The attribute can also declare different sources for the image sizes, which will be displayed depending on the configuration of the browser visiting a site. A solution which should also help solve performance problems often encountered with the multiplication of images. Attribute ' src' is now optional. For now, however it will always think the declare fallback for some other browsers that would support not ' srcset. Until now, developers should indeed increase the prefixes for the audio rendering.
The solution validated by the W3C Web Audio via a Javascript API audio decoding. Quite powerful and advanced, it was not supported. Google is announcing that henceforth there will be no need to prefix some API entry points. Exit the 'web kit audio Context' for example, the point specified by the W3C ' audio Context ' in details.
Same for 'Offline Audio Context’. Chrome and Firefox supports the Web Audio API without prefix. Need redundant code for compatibility on both browsers. Note that both methods should continue side by side for the moment, to allow time for developers to change their code. That said that they have an incentive to take the front. Google has already announced that the management of prefixes may be impaired from a future version of the browser, unspecified.
In general, advance features are always available on every release of the new version of Chrome. Several new features are announced now also that includes the control "hands” with the simple phrase “OK Google". First, the arrival of simplified images responsive design writing is possible with this new version. We will not repeat the arguments of Google in its entirety - roughly what everyone knows, uses evolve with new appliances and therefore various screen sizes - but there is the arrival of the attribute ' srcset for the image tag. Here is the sample code provided by Google:
<img alt = " A rad wolf . " src = " pic1x.jpg " srcset = " pic1x.jpg 1x, 2x pic2x.jpg , pic4x.jpg 4x ">
This solution, which allows you to easily manage images in responsive design is simple. This new feature was already expected, especially as the Webkit rendering engine incorporated in August 2013. Blink - rendering engine Webkit fork and developed by Google since version 28 of Chrome – hence it was easy to make it possible.
The attribute can also declare different sources for the image sizes, which will be displayed depending on the configuration of the browser visiting a site. A solution which should also help solve performance problems often encountered with the multiplication of images. Attribute ' src' is now optional. For now, however it will always think the declare fallback for some other browsers that would support not ' srcset. Until now, developers should indeed increase the prefixes for the audio rendering.
The solution validated by the W3C Web Audio via a Javascript API audio decoding. Quite powerful and advanced, it was not supported. Google is announcing that henceforth there will be no need to prefix some API entry points. Exit the 'web kit audio Context' for example, the point specified by the W3C ' audio Context ' in details.
Same for 'Offline Audio Context’. Chrome and Firefox supports the Web Audio API without prefix. Need redundant code for compatibility on both browsers. Note that both methods should continue side by side for the moment, to allow time for developers to change their code. That said that they have an incentive to take the front. Google has already announced that the management of prefixes may be impaired from a future version of the browser, unspecified.
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