Thursday, 3 September 2015

Parallels Can Help You Put Windows on Your Apple Mac

Loved Windows and wish if someone can bring it in your Mac laptop? Now there is a company, which is listening to your wishes, and it has brought brand new software, which will offer such exquisite features. Parallels had recently announced its new version of software, which can effectively bring the most loved features of the Windows 10 Os on the Mac devices. This software has been named Parallels 11 and it comes loaded with the capability of running full version of Windows OS on the Mac computers without the need of any rebooting.

Features of Parallel 11

The earlier versions of the Parallels had supported the Windows 10 but this one brings a whole range of new features. Parallel 11 signature feature is the Coherence mode wherein Mac users can easily run the elements of the Windows OS alongside the Apple’s OSX. This wasn’t possible in the earlier versions and this feature is aimed at providing the best of features of both the OS on a single platform in a redefined manner.

Apple’s Siri is only limited to its range of iPhone and iPad devices and it has yet to make its appearance on the Mac series of laptops. But Microsoft had already brought its Cortana digital assistant onto the Windows laptop from along with the Windows Phone platform. Parrallel 11 best feature is the bringing of Cortana on the Mac laptops. This voice controlled assistant can be brought alive wither by going through the Windows taskbar or by just saying “Hey Cortana” on the Mac.

Cortana woks amazingly on Mac

On putting Cortana under limited test in the Mac laptop, this feature happened to work amazingly well without any glitches. Users can easily call up the Cortana and conduct searches, set reminders, check out the weather and traffic conditions as well as hearing some jokes , all of it on their Mac. As usual, the response wasn’t completely perfect as it gives on the Windows laptops but it was extremely good for most of the normal tasks.

Parallels brings huge improvement in software with new version

Parallels latest version of its software is well defined and subtle with the aim of making the task of switching between the two major computer OS i.e. Windows and OSX a breeze. Parallel 11 allows the users to see both the Windows Action Center as well as the Apple’s Notification Center at same time without any hindrance. Users will be surprise to find how well both the Os are working in coherence by just looking in the Apple dock, which will be listing out all the open Windows programs and the Windows taskbar.

Furthermore, Parallels also brought the Mac’s “Quick Look” feature, which allows users to preview by just hitting the spacebar in the Windows mode. One small feature, which is worth mentioning is that right-click on the file resulting in opening of file in Mac works well in the Windows also. Parallels 11 will be made available at a price of just $80 and it will also support the upcoming Apple’s OS called El Captain.

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