Monday, 24 July 2017

Magnetic Hoverboard to Expandable Autonomous Bus

Design Innovative Project - Magnetic Hoverboard -

A magnetic hoverboard may seem like a vehicle coming from a science fiction blockbuster where a particular tire company is of the belief that the futuristic devices would probably tend to be a reality. The company in question – Hankook Tires had publicized the most pioneering plans from its design innovation project. The winning designs is said to comprise of a magnetic hoverhoard together with an expandable autonomous bus. The Vice Chairman and CEO Mr Seung Hwa Suh, associated with Hankook

Tires had stated that the Style Insight forum to be kept at Hankook Technodome is actually meaningful wheeere one would see fine works of young developers of the future tire creativity at the new and state-of-the-art R&D centre – Hankook Technodome. In all 34 works had been submitted included in Hankook Tires’ Style Insight Forum with five who tend to win.

The company hopes to create further collaborations utilising the long term leaders in collaboration with the technology leadership of Hankook Tires with the Style Insight Forum. The up-and-coming designs comprises of a magnetic hoverboard together with an expandable autonomous coach. The first winner had been the `Flexup’, which is a sole wheel that tends to move freely even on the stairs.


The wheel is said to expand and contract through a standard of allocated treads, enabling the free flow in moving around corners by utilising a titling system which seems to be akin to skiing and tends to go up and down the stairs. The `Magfloat’ design tends to resemble a skateboard but rather than utilising wheels, it is said to use a magnetic field extension together with a rotation standard.

This tends to permit the user in the free movement at speed of around 12mph – 20 km/h. The `Mayfloat’ and `Flexup’,creativity are the outcome of a discussion between the creative and the realistic alternatives to the future driving together with design and technology linked to urban landscape wherein these ideas took the shape of a whole new driving experience.

 `Autobine’ is said to be the third winning device which is an autonomous bus concept wherein the main frame is said to expand and contract. Moreover, the tires on the bus in inclined to attach and detach automatically as per the number of the passengers in it.

Winner -` iPlay’

Then we have the `Shiftrac’ which is said to be a wheel that has been particularly developed for the police cars. The tire of this enables the car to make rapid lane changes and tends to turn corners with ease, via a skating standard that thrusts the wheels outwards.

The Shiftrac tires could be utilised by police cars while on car chases to make sure these people do not have the need to slow down as well as while taking sharp bends. The ultimate winner in the design competition of Hankook was the `iPlay’ which is said to be the one-man device having two enormous wheels. The vehicle is said to accomplish the optimum performance even at very high speed and has the tendency of changing the wheel angle in order to take bends without losing speed.

Though the designs are at the moment only perceptions, they tend to provide insights into what the future has in store for vehicle together with design of wheel.

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