
Tuesday 24 May 2011

The e-G8 brings together the Giants of the Web

e-G8 Forum-G8 Forum Today marks the start for two days of e-G8 preamble to the G8 in Deauville. The rally by President Nicolas Sarkozy will allow him to expose his "civilized Internet" and talk with leading global technology bosses.

Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, Rupert Murdoch, or almost all bosses of the largest digital world will be present at the e-G8 begins this morning in the heart of the garden of the Tuileries. They may well meet with many politicians like Christine Lagarde, Eric Besson or Frédéric Mitterrand.

In his speech this morning, Nicolas Sarkozy and should defend his theory of "civilized Internet" it stands for several months and it says he believes Barack Obama. Organized by Public and sponsored by several large companies such as Orange, Vivendi, Iliad Free Foundation, Microsoft, eBay or Google, the event is already much written about his orientation.

Many advocates of a free and open Internet see this summit as already biased. Thus, the Quadrature du Net sees them "as a smokescreen to hide the increased government control over the Internet." The Internet Governance Caucus organization considers it anomalous that the e-G8 is "organized by the private sector and that access is given only to private corporate actors and governments. We also understand that there is a link between sponsors and invitations". Will it be a simple forum for economic and political events or actual meeting around the issue of freedoms on the Internet? Response will be in two days.

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