Assuming thatthe practice ofthe bikeis very oftena matter ofpassion andthat one isnever sowell served as byoneself,StevePritchard,owner of a smallBritish companycalledMo2or,had anexcellentidea of integratingthe bikersin the development processmodelsthat it plans tomarket it.The principleis simple: "Thebikesare designedby pilots."Everyone canindeedcome up with ideas, both intechnicaldesign, leading toa kind ofideal bikethat will be producedin small quantities. The first modelof society, the result ofsix weeksof discussions andvoteswassoberlycalledMO2ORNo.1.Heis currently inpre-development.
The Peugeot515of 1933revisited:
Itisa youngItalian designer, SimoneMadella, this conceptvery futuristicbikeinspired bythe legendaryPeugeot5151933.Thefairing ismade of carbon fiberandthe internal combustion engineof 500ccwhich equippedits predecessorgave wayto an electric motorintegrated directly intothe rear wheel.
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