The conceptEchoBand isahigh-techwristbandthat serves asa watchandMP3 playersimultaneously.Fit comfortablyon the wrist,the body islow densitypolyethylene.It hasaminiLEDdigital displayfor displayingtime andinformationabout audio files.For added comfort, EchoBandhaswireless headphones,both flexibleand lightweight. These are made ofPVC.The bracelethas threebuttons forsetting the timeand for the controlof the music.
AUSB inputis presenton the sideof the strapto connect toacomputerforcharging.Designed specifically foryoungmusic lovers andavailable in severalcolors, EchoBandwas designed bythe designerMiladTaleghani.
wats the cost and where can we get it.....?????