
Friday 16 September 2011

Windows 8: Microsoft makes Internet Explorer Flash 10

Metro version of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 8Microsoft made ​​a surprise yesterday by publishing a post on his blog dedicated to developers. The editor there said that the 10 version of Internet Explorer that run on the new interface of Windows 8 Metro will not accept Flash or Silverlight.
Microsoft would he have signed the death warrant of Flash? "Running Internet Explorer plug-in without Metro improves the life of the battery, as far as security, reliability and respect for user privacy. Plug-ins were important to the history of the web. But the web has since adopted the HTML5. Maintain compatibility with plug-ins historical degrade the browsing experience in the interface Metro, rather than improve it "is what Steven Sinofsky said on Microsoft's MSDN blog.

End of life for Flash?

The publisher disclaims and Adobe technology so disparaged by Steve Jobs since the creation of IOS for mobile devices from Apple, but also its own equivalent technology Silverlight. It also favors the use of the HTML5 often proposed as an alternative to Flash, like YouTube.

Be careful, this announcement relates only to the Metro version of Internet Explorer 10, which then turn on the new interface very inspired Windows 7 Phone and adapted to touch devices. There are still in Windows 8 a traditional office as we know it today, but as an application that can be launched from this new interface Metro. Microsoft has not yet completed Flash, but in any case has dealt a blow harmful.

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