Friday, 7 October 2011

Facebook App Development

Hello friends! Hope you all doing good :) Now, I am going to share you all my idea about an online site at This is an excellent online site which chiefly meant for Facebook App Development. This organization was founded by Mark Otuteye who is an ex-googler, Stanford grad, Marshall Scholar. He founded AES Connect in 2007 in San Francisco and successfully conveyed for the chief trade names such as Sephora, 2K Games, NuSkin, and They are the dedicated team of Facebook Game Development, iphone and Android apps. They are communal as well as mobile app professionals. Their three for the most part worth mentioning assignments are Sephora , Shivering Kittens for PETA furthermore 2K Games. In conditions of their aptitude, their entire developers as well as designers are now in California. They do not subcontract out of the country and encompass 10 people totality among 2 around the clock with 8 long-time, believed freelancers for what time they require superfluous competence. They are app experts in addition to put up Facebook, iPhone, as well as Android apps. Meant for whichever assignments they build through them, Mr. Mark Otuteye himself would be supervision development. The best thing to say about them is they are managed by a Google Engineer. For more information, please log on to their site or just dial 1-888-433-6086. Thanks!

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