
Wednesday 10 April 2013

How Did We Communicate Before Phone Service?

Most people think of their cellular phones as part of their bodies; going anywhere without one is impossible to even think of, and nightmare scenarios are running out of battery juice without the ability to recharge your phone, or going to an area without cellular reception.
Considering how addicted and dependent we are on our phones, an era without cellular phones or even fixed line phones seems like the Dark Age. Before Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, the world communicated through telegraphs and letters.
Of course, this meant that if you wanted to communicate with someone far away you would have to be literate in order to write the letter and the receiver would have to be able to read it, too. People that were unable to read and write had to depend on friends, relatives or neighbors to write and read letters.

Telephone to Cellular Phones
Though the invention of the telephone did not receive the welcoming response you would expect, considering how much easier it made a person’s life, with time that stigma was removed and people starting using telephones. At the start, a telephone was not the cheapest device and call rates were quite high. These rates gradually dropped and more people started owning telephones. At that time, for a long distance call you had to dial an operator first and request the desired number.

In 1944, the US government started using computers and brought about the Information Age. With commercial use of computers starting in 1951, the foundation of cellular technology was set. It might be surprising to you, but cellular phones were made for cars in 1956, and in 1976, the world’s first cellular network was started in Japan. Since then, cellular networks have been launched all around the world. According to the statistics, 86.7% of the world today is subscribed to a mobile network.

How Bulky Cellular Phones Turned Tiny
Handset manufacturers have now started making cell phones that are also wrist watches, while just a decade ago the smallest cellular phone was a big, heavy instrument, you could probably have used as a bludgeoning weapon.

With development and commercialization of the internet, our lives have been made so much easier. Its wide use has offered phone manufacturers new technologies and you can now video chat with your family and friends across continents in real time. You no longer have to wait for months for a letter to be delivered to your family.

We are now in the fourth generation of mobile networks making it possible to conduct even our financial transactions via our cellular phones and video talk with people on the move. If you remember the popular cartoon series “The Jetsons”, apart from the flying cars and fully-functioning talking robots in every home, we seem to have most of the gadgets they showed.

Phone Service Providers
The only thing making your life harder, nowadays, is too wide of a choice. There are numerous service providers and it can become difficult to choose one that fits your needs the best. There are a few simple things you should keep in mind when choosing a service provider:
  • Compatibility with your phone
  • Bundled offers that often provide the most value for money
  • Good technical support
  • Available discounts
  • A download plan that meets your need for speed
Communicating with people that live far away and keeping in touch with friends you haven’t met in years is possible now. While communication has gone a lot further than anyone in the last century would have believed, there is still a long way to go. For the time being, one among good choices is Comcast who not only provides phone service, but also provides high speed Internet and cable TV as well.
Dee does freelance writing and guest blogging and enjoys ghost writing as well.


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