
Friday 26 April 2013

Ubuntu 13.04 Give Better Experience with Smarter Scopes!

As expected, the new version of Ubuntu 13.04 is available for download. This version, stamped Raring Ringtail is a bit special because its objectives are not the same as other Ubuntu. Rather than add features to the shovel, Canonical process as Apple Snow Leopard and the developers took the time to work on the quality of the code. Ubuntu 13.04 certainly disappoints those who always want more features. At the same time, it should score points among those who felt that too rapid development has altered the quality of the code at the point of burdening the system and do not make the system unstable. Developers mainly focused on existing with several goals in mind. Ubuntu 13.04 thus is above all more reliable and faster, as an upgrade to the front caliper on. The main easily notable and more visual Ubuntu 13.04 changes are sought in its interface. The system embeds version 7 Unity and the conclusion is it is fast and it is the most complete version of this interface. Like it or not, progress is real and it is clear that Canonical has looked at a number of small details. Overall, all participating in a quality printing in which little had been left to chance. Using Ubuntu 13.04 turns out nice and quick.

 Even in a virtual machine (VMware Workstation performed under 9), the system is reactive and small transition effects are mastered and do not interfere. It should be noted in this regard that the new Ubuntu embarks 3.8.0-19 Linux kernel, which includes the latest version of the Nouveau driver for NVIDIA cards. In theory, all chip models are supported, and all affected users should benefit from graphics acceleration from the first launch of the system. Alongside this graphic smooth evolution, particularly through changes such as icons for Ubuntu and manager update repository, it has an application portfolio to contemporary taste. But as stated earlier this news, nothing should expect amazing. It found Firefox and Thunderbird 20 and 17, and it is likely to need a replacement soon. Obviously the LibreOffice suite version is present and other applications such as customer burning brazier, Shotwell Photo Manager and the Rhythmbox music player are also there in their latest versions.

And if one side Ubuntu 13.04 brings only few new elements, it also allows you to delete. This is the case of Wubi, the small software specializes in installing Ubuntu from Windows. With the flood of UEFI and Windows 8 machines, the installer is very difficult to monitor safety standards. Moreover, on the download page, Canonical says that the 64-bit version of the distribution must be downloaded if UEFI machine. Note also that even if Unity becomes more enjoyable to use, Ubuntu allows only few alternatives. Thus, it is no longer possible to install the classic GNOME shell. Note however that the GNOME Shell can still be installed from the repository. Gwibber also disappears, but temporarily. Indeed, the author works in his rewriting via Qt / QML, and the social customer return later under the name Friends. Canonical also pondered the possibility to make Ubuntu a "rolling release". Thus, the features have been added as and as soon as they were ready. However, support for these versions will change in stride. From Ubuntu 13.04, there will be no more than nine months. LTS (Long Term Support) versions in turn will be harmonized and still offer support for five years, both the client and the server. According to Jane Silber, Canonical has observed that users proceeded in two ways: either they were updating every six months, they remained on a LTS release. A stand of 18 months was therefore not necessary.

Finally, the approximation Touch with Ubuntu will be phased. For now, there are fundamental differences between the two systems, but the versions 13.10 and 14.04 will lead to a convergence, in particular by replacing the X display server MIR, a homemade solution. In fact, the 13.04 version released today is a platform for the preparation of major projects that follow. Since Canonical aims primarily mobility, it is not surprising that the company has sought to increase performance, reduce memory consumption and work out the details. Those who wish to download Ubuntu 13.04 can do it from the official website of Canonical. The user will have to choose between the new version and the latest LTS to date, that is to say 12.04. Each version can be downloaded in 32 or 64 bits.

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