The U.S. portal Yahoo! continues to focus by announcing the abolition of 12 more online services including the iconic search
engine Alta Vista created in 1995. Yahoo! turns a page in the history of the Internet in ordering the closing of Alta Vista. The news came Friday
so trivial via
a blog detailing the closure of 12 online services
between June 28 and September 28.
Thus, Alta Vista
will cease operations effective July 8,
after 18 years of existence. Yahoo had acquired
it in 2004 through the takeover of Overture.
Other services to
be the key figure,
the Axis plug-in Yahoo! and Yahoo! Browser
Plus, Yahoo! WebPlayer
reader or RSS alert the service. This series of closures following a first
wave decided last April during which five applications
and services were closed: Upcoming (discovery of events), Yahoo! Deals (promotions), SMS Alert (alerts via
SMS of topics),
Kids (games, education)
as well as Yahoo Mail
and Messenger for
standard mobile Java (J2ME).
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