Monday, 26 August 2013
Chrome 30 for Android with gesture control
Google has released a new Beta Version of Chrome for Android introduces new gesture controls and a tool for image search. Chrome 30 is available in beta since two days before for the Android edition, a series of news about the gestural controls. The Internet browser allows you to browse the active tabs by making a horizontal or vertical scanning. The same gesture is used to open the Options menu without lifting your finger from the screen. This beta version supports the accelerometer information so that websites will know the position of the Smartphone. Chrome 30 also introduced a new search tool for images. Holding your finger on an image, it opens a context menu option to access the "Search Google for that picture," which provides information on the plate, the web pages containing the same image and a selection similar image. This function is also available in the desktop version of Chrome 30 Beta.
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