
Friday 30 August 2013

Yahoo! attracts more users than Google in the U.S

According to comScore, Yahoo! has doubled the visitors than Google during the month of July 2013 in the United States. A great performance but Tumblr visitors were not added to Yahoo statistics of Yahoo!. Marissa Mayer, a former Google executive and current boss of Yahoo!, may be smiling. His company dominates and Google on his land, with 196.56 million unique visitors in July, against 192.25 million for his rival. It has been over two years that such a shift has not happened, knowing that Yahoo! and Google alternated regularly enough place between 2008 and 2011, before Google dominates the debates to preceding month unchallenged. Performance is real, since the growth of Yahoo! does not incorporate the Tumblr network, bought a few months ago for nearly a billion dollars. The latter is however located in the 28th position, with nearly 38.4 million unique visitors across the Atlantic, before Twitter, Netflix and Pinterest. This especially means that Yahoo! without Tumblr, has attracted more than 87% of 225,360,000 U.S. Internet in August. How? ComScore does not say, but we doubt that between research services, information, electronic mail (Yahoo! Mail), photos (Flickr), etc. Nevertheless, we can ask ourselves how Google managed to be overtaken by Yahoo! when he dominates the search market (67%) and services (Gmail, G+, etc...) are growing. Yahoo! is no longer a major player for a long time in the United States, but it has always been important. It was number one for many years; its supremacy has been troubled by Google. Only Microsoft has tickled time Yahoo! Facebook, for its part remains far behind, and AOL. For Yahoo!, success in attracting investors has always been a difficulty. Financial results and Yahoo! are incomparable against those of Google. The first, just getting over a billion dollars in sales per quarter compared with more than 14 billion for Google is worth mention. This difference is easily explained: one gets to sell advertising heavily, the other not. Google has captured 74% of advertising revenue related to research in 2012, against 6.6% for Yahoo! and 4% for Microsoft. And as projected by eMarketer, the gap in favor of Google in 2013 and is expected to grow in the years to come. Worldwide, Google can even boast of capturing third digital advertising revenue, and even 52% on mobile, far ahead of Facebook, Yahoo! and Microsoft.

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