Saturday, 12 October 2013

Firefox OS Update For Smartphone system

Firefox OS Update
For Mozilla Firefox OS smart phone system, the company will release an update that functions like MMS retrofits. Mozilla has released a major update to its Smartphone operating system. Firefox OS 1.1 upgraded by and including the ability to send files via MMS.

Similarly, developers can now access the push notifications API; can be triggered by the timed notifications from apps. The adaptive - search app is now a central part of the home screens. In the music app is also now let’s just for tracks, albums or artists looking for. The calendar application can notify you of upcoming events, and events can be in the calendar by tapping on the respective day to create.

Users of the Firefox OS, you can also import single contacts from GMail and Hotmail accounts and e -mail application allows to create drafts, download audio and video attachments and to send photos from their own gallery as e- mail attachment. With the operating system more than 15 languages are supported, and the applications will now start faster or scrolling to work better. The Firefox OS 1.1 will be available not only to all currently existing devices, Mozilla's partners also announced further devices for several countries.

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