Tuesday, 29 October 2013

The SSDs Are More Cheap And Economical

SSDs make traditional hard drives increasingly competitive. They work quickly and quietly - and need not be expensive. For less than 110 Euros you already get good models. Solid State Drives (SSDs) save files like USB sticks in flash memory. You are therefore completely without moving parts and are much faster than traditional hard disk drives (HDDs).

They work almost completely silent. Especially for the installation of the operating system and programs using SSDs are ideal. The computer starts up will be faster, applications can be launch faster. In short, the daily work with the computer feels superfluous. Files such as music, videos, office documents and photos, you can still place it on a HDD - which affects the speed of the PC barely.

Therefore mostly an SSD with a capacity of 60-128 gigabytes is more sufficient. And you can also save more money by buying a new SSD.

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