Thursday, 19 December 2013

Digia Releases Qt 5.2 for iOS and Android

The development environment Qt 5.2 finally manages iOS and Android. The version 5.1 released in early summer provided a preliminary support for the two popular operating systems on mobile devices.

With this new version released last week, the vast majority of Qt API is managed by iOS and Android. However there are some exceptions such as Qt WebKit that cannot be done on iOS because of Apple restrictions.

 Even if everything is perfect and there is still a little work on some points, Digia developers will be able to tackle the management of Windows RT. This version offers preliminary support of the Microsoft operating system.

This is one of the main development of the 5.3 version is already under construction. More than ever, with Qt, the word platform makes sense, even on mobile platforms. Full support for Windows RT is pending. Digia has also made improvements to Qt for desktop operating systems.

This version does not solve all problems with Mavericks and enables Qt Mac Extras integrate native code. You may download this version directly from their site.

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