Saturday, 21 December 2013

New Mac Pro Available But May Cost More!

Mac Pro-3
The new Mac Pro will not miss the holiday season. Apple has just announced its availability for the market. The machine assembly in the United States is appealing with its original cylindrical design and specifications racing machine that will interest specialists video or graphics.

This Mac Pro comes in two basic configurations. The first an Intel quad-core Xeon E5 clocked at 3.7 GHz, 12 GB of RAM DDR3 1866 MHz , a 256 GB SSD and 2 cards AMD FirePro D300. Available for a price of 3000 Euros. The second offers Intel Xeon 6 cores clocked at 3.5 GHz, 16 GB of RAM, a 256GB SSD and 2 cards AMD FirePro D500. The rate is 3999 Euros.

As usual, Apple has options to boost the internal storage (up to 1TB), speed (up to 12 processor cores and up to 64GB RAM) obviously making up the bill significantly. The Mac Pro is a racing whose acquisition is a good investment. Once checked all the main options the base price can be multiplied by five. In Apple's PC catalog, the MacPro is a star. This machine is finally available for sale, is closer to the workstation from the computer.

This is undoubtedly one of the world's most powerful machines. It has an Intel Xeon E5 processor 6, 8 or 12 cores, two graphics cards with 6GB of VRAM each units of Flash storage up to 1TB Thunderbolt connection. In short, it is a PC mainly for professional more than the office. And to better attract pro, it also offers a unique design that makes it even more attractive.

Mac Pro-1
Completely redesigned by teams Jonathan Ives, the boss of Apple design, the Mac Pro displays a cylindrical shape which has played a lot in its popularity. Performance and design at a price. Two models are offered by Apple: a quad model 3000 Euros and 4000 Euros.

To make these more powerful machines, some options are needed. We’ve added enough to make a Mac Pro with a war machine:

Xeon E5 12 12 cores at 2.7 GHz with 30 MB L3 cache (3,500 Euros)

64GB RAM ECC DD3 to 1866 MHz (1300 Euros)

1TB PCIe Flash storage (800 Euros)

Two graphics cards AMD FirePro D700 with 6 GB of GDDR5 VRAM

The base price is of 3000 Euros, but the price has now reached € 9 599. It will still make a little effort for a mouse, the Magic Mouse Apple sold 69 Euros, and a keyboard with numeric keypad which cost 49 Euros extra, however. a little calculation shows 9,717 Euros including VAT and have a fully functional machine competition.

Mac Pro-2
Remains possible to buy a license for one of the three professional software house: Final Cut Pro X (270 Euros), Logic Pro X (180 Euros) and Aperture (70 Euros). We are now a little more than 10,237 Euros. However, the addition price tag of the Apple website can continue to climb. The Mac Pro is the standard machine designed for video editing 4K.

It is therefore logical to adopt at least one monitor that supports HD Ultra. Add 4,000 Euros for a 4K Ultra HD LED PN- K321 32-inch Sharp signed. Small sub- total, we are 14 236 Euro. Since you paid a substantial sum, both opt for Apple Care extended warranty to 249 Euros. Total: 14,485 Euros. The invoice is little bitterer to your pocket.

 It can be more, if you want to offer production conditions more comfortable and safe. Video editing often uses berries production Raid. Apple offers on its website, the bay offers from April to August racks. In our mad rush, opt for the high end model with 32 TB Promise Raid systems Pegasus2 R8, 4500 Euros.

The server connects Thunderbolt 2, adding a cable, black or white, two-meter, 39 Euros. You now have spent another 18 to 973 Euros. Leaving aside the one-to -one training, one can imagine that if you made such a big check, you do not need to be trained to use a professional machine. However, this does cost you 100 Euros for a year. Let's also ignore the Airport Time Capsule 3TB, 450 Euros. That would be vice ... The total is still far from the first Mac Pro sold.

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