Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Best Services to send Large files Online

send Large files Online
Sending files from one person to another person is one of the viral issues in Online. Most of the mailing system itself offers various levels of file transmission schemes. But they provide in a very restricted manner. Gmail offer us to transfer files from one person to another, But you cannot send larger files by using Gmail accounts. Suppose if you wanted to share a bigger file such as Software, HD movies and so many things, you will be definitely fed up by finding best services to send larger files online.

Since most of the services will limit the size of your file sharing and this will definitely makes you to getting worse. In this post, I have shared best services to send larger files online and hereafter no need to worry about the restriction on the file sizes. Most of the website which are offering cloud services are offering file transfer system, allows you to share files without restricting the size of the files. Here you can find the list of website that will provide you the best files transferring;

1. Ge.tt
2. DropSend
3. WeTransfer
4. TransferBigFiles
5. HighTail

Ge.tt: Ge.tt is a web based application website that allows its users to transfer larger files. Ge.tt enables you to send the files which are not more than 2 GB of file space. Ge.tt has an enhanced interface and it is very simpler to use. Ge.tt interface allows you to drag the files and you can share the links very easily. This is one of the best services for sending files with larger size.

DropSend: DropSend is another cloud based data sharing website which allows you to transfer bigger files and also you can share those files very easily. DropSend is similar to Ge.tt in data transfer, but the main difference in DropSend is that DropSend uses software named DropSend Direct to upload files in the website. DropSend Direct is best way to uplad you files directly into that website

WeTransfer: WeTransfer is a simpler and best website which is used to transfer the files. WeTransfer offers a best interface without unwanted ads. Most of the websites are filled with tons of advertisements. But WeTransfer has no unwanted ads and which makes the WeTransfer very unique and simple. WeTransfer free version allows you to send files up to 20 peoples at a single time.

TransferBigFiles: TransferBigFiles is a website which allows us to transfer files which are more than 2 GB or even more. By using TransferBigFiles, you can share files which are even more than 20 GB of files space. TransferBigFiles is the best services to send files which are bigger.

HighTail: HighTail is another website which offers you to send more sensible information in a secured manner. HighTail has more secured options and also it has many security features such as encryption of files and password protections. By using the premium services you can send bigger files and free version offers only 50 MB of files transfer.

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