Friday, 10 January 2014

How to share files securely?

How to share files securely?
Wanna share your business files or any sort of personal files in a secure manner? Worried someone might pirate it from you. Here are some tips to share your files in a secure manner.

Tip 1: Encryption

Encryption is a simple technique where there exists a common or any private key for a user and the data will be modulated using this key. This key will be present at the receiver who is ready to receive the information. His/her key alone can demodulate the message and the original information is transferred in a secure manner. When a third party tries to interpret it, it either becomes unreadable or either destroyed. There are several types of encryption techniques are available in the internet which allows you to transmit your files more securely by encrypting files by using those encryption algorithm.

This is not new. This kind of technology already exists but most of them are not aware of this. Encryption products such as Hush Communication’s, Voltage Secure Mail cloud area helpful tool that guides you for a secure transmission.

Symantec’s PGP Email encryption is the most widely used and is available Windows, Linux and Mac versions too. It provides variety of encrypting tools and plug-ins. These can be used to send your Tax documents too. It’s too secure.

Tip 2: Drop-box: 

Wondering what’s a Dropbox? It’s just a website similar to having an account in Gmail. It’s quite simple to create an account here and transfer your files safely. Drop-box is a leading cloud storage system which is used by most of the professional people all around the world. Most of the bloggers would have account in that website which allows them to access their files from anywhere of this world. Main advantage here is Dropbox encrypts everything you upload or download. Also it is available for mobile versions. Just follow these simple steps:

• Drag your file into Drop-box
• Once it’s uploaded do a right-click and choose “Dropbox”
• Get Link. Automatically this shareable link will be copied to your clipboard.
• Now send this link to which you want to share the file with over an email or message over mobile.

Simple as it is.

Tip 3: LastPass

LastPass is also another website where you can maintain your account to share your secret files. It still one of the most secure ways to maintain secrets. It also gives you the option of saving your passwords.
It is similar to Dropbox where your files are stored in LastPass vault.

Tip 4: Buy an e-mail ID: 

If you don’t know or if you are not yet cleared from the above topics best decision is to buy an e-mail ID that is already in existence with some sort of additional appliance for sharing files securely. Some of them are Sophos Email Appliance, Tumbleweed etc.

But these are quite expensive. If you are so bad in sharing your files securely then you should put in some money to get something worthy.

Hope you are clear with the file sharing techniques now.

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