
Thursday 13 February 2014

Twitter Uses New Profiles In Test

New Twitter Profile
Faced with a slowdown in the number of its users, Twitter has promised new features. A revised interface is in preparation and it incorporates elements similar to Facebook interface.

Twitter users can now view their newly designed profile page. In the design, the service resembles heavily upon Facebook and Google+.

Mashable reported that the micro blogging service is currently testing a new design of the profile page. Instead of confusing timeline a user group currently sees a tidy home page. Tweets are arranged visually appealing in tiles.

Shared photos and videos of people we are following will now be found under a separate tab. Twitter overhaul the entire profile page, the page design applied similar to Facebook on its own platform with such a biography placed in the upper left corner and especially large image stretching over the entire length.

According to Mashable, this revision does not affect the moment that the PC version of Twitter. It is also accompanied by messages, tweets larger. And incidentally make them more visible Sponsored messages.

The good visibility of major titles and profile pictures of the user comes to the front even more. The Twitter profile page reflects the strong inspiration of its competitors like Facebook and Google+. This is the mixture of Google+ profile and Facebook time line.

This is of particular advantage for new users who want to make friends with the micro -blogging service so quickly. Faced with a slowdown in the registration of new subscribers, Twitter is perhaps make it more friendly and readable interface, particularly with users of other services, such as Facebook tries.

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