
Saturday 12 April 2014

Tips to use BBM App on an Android/iPhone Device

BBM Apps
BBM App on iPhone and Android

BlackBerry had rolled out BBM on iPhone and Android devices in addition to BlackBerry Smartphone and this rollout has made way for new developments on the chat messenger besides making big profits for them. While surfing the web, the user can use the BBM App on a device which is restricted to Android and iPhone device. It is an Android app which helps individuals to get connected with friends and family around the world at no additional cost.

To get started, one has to ensure that the device is supported by BBM. For Android, BBM supports Smartphone running on Android v4.0 – Ice Cream Sandwich and with a screen size of 7 inch or less. For iPhone, BBM supports iOS v6 and v7 or later.

BlackBerry ID Essential

Setting up this app is very easy though some requirements need to be fulfilled. To download BBM on Android or iPhone, you could visit the BBM site from the iPhone or Android Smartphone browser which will lead to the official BBM app in the Apple Store or Google Play and is the best way to ensure that one gets the real BBM for iPhone or Android.

In order to use the BBM app, a BBID (Blackberry ID) is essential to create an account enabling the user to login to BBM on Android. The entire contacts list along with other details of BBM will now be linked to the BBID and the user will no longer need to manually backup and restore the contact list whenever the device is switched on.

If the BBID is not available, the user will need to create one after installing BBM on the device or create one online at and after creating the BBID can then sign in to BBM and get started with chatting with their friends and family far and near.

PIN Barcode 

Once the BBM is installed and the user has successfully signed in using the Blackberry ID, a few things need to be known to get the most of BBM. A BBM PIN which is a unique identifier used in BBM automatically gets generated when the user logs in to BBM for the first time. In case of inviting someone to be a BBM contact, the PIN could be given which can help in connecting with people without the need to sharing personal information.

New contact can also be added on BBM with the help of the PIN Barcode instead of having to type out the PIN number. After the friends have scanned the PIN barcode, then they will be added to each other’s contact list without exchanging any personal information with the exception of the unique PIN.

In case of locating the BBM PIN, you could tap the BBM picture or the name followed by `Show Barcode’ along the bottom toolbar. When the user signs in to BBM on Android using a BlackBerry ID, the contacts will be automatically backed up and if logged in using different device with the same BBID, the user will be prompted to restore their contact list.

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