
Tuesday 1 July 2014

How To Block Ads in Your Web Browser

No Ads
In our day to day life we are spending more time in front of internet. We are using email, social networks, study channel, news, entertainment like music movies, videos, etc. and the notable thing is the internet is making things easier like online shopping, ticket booking etc but the most irritating thing while using internet is the occurring of unnecessary ads in the web browsers in various forms. While the things are sound good these kin of ads diverts us from where we are focusing and make our time totally waste. So here we decide how to block those unwanted ads from the web browsers.

For every web browser there are some simple steps are to be followed to block these kinds of irritating ads.

Ad Block or Ad Block Plus
Here we will see about ad blocking application which is applicable for web browsers like Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, opera and many other web browsers. For this specific purpose a open freeware web application is available named Ad Block or Ad Block Plus which can be downloaded from the internet and installed in the web browsers.

We will discuss it with the Google chrome. For Google chrome it is available in the Google web store.
  • Search for Ad Block or ad Block Plus in the Google web store ,Select the free installation.
  • Once completing successful installation, a message will be displayed on the screen, that “Ad block has been added to chrome” hence it is added to the web browser.
  • Now the Ad Block icon is visible in the screen on the right side top corner. By clicking on it. The settings page will be opened. Hit the General Button and check whether you have select the Add item to the right click menu option. 

 Now choose the filter lists and hit on it. Now here you will be able to subscribe to the filter lists, which will automatically block the ad without seeking your permission. This will make your work so easy. Hit the update now. It will help to update the filter lists in periodic intervals of time. Confirm that you have selected all the options carefully. By using custom filter lists category you can add URL of the website where you visit frequently. Now you won’t see any of the ads in the web browser ever.

 For an example if you enter the FacebookURL link. And while you are checking your Facebook web page, no ads will be present over there.

  • Now click on the customize button. This will be used for the advanced users. Where one can have a choice of blocking the add by its URL and it will hide a section of the web page
  • Now that is it you have completely installed the Ad Block application, now you can enter any of the website and by making a right click, you will see the Ad Block option and which can placed over any ads you see.

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