Friday, 4 July 2014

Microsoft Seeks Office Beta Testers for Android

Microsoft Seeks Office Beta Testers
Microsoft invites beta testers to participate in the Office beta test. Yes, Microsoft sent out invitations to test the private beta for Android.

There was a speculation about this for some time back. In early April, Microsoft released the Office app for the iPad. Soon Microsoft wishes for the version of Office could come for Android Tablets for which Microsoft currently looking for beta testers.

This version of Office seems to offer more features than the iPad edition, which is actually quite logical if Microsoft wants to maintain its value on Windows ecosystem. The evidence specifically designed for Android Tablets Office version condenses. The Verge already reported that Microsoft will soon make a non-public beta test of the new Office start version for Android-based tablets and it is currently looking for suitable testers.

Applicants should be in the so-called "Pre-Release Programs" for both businesses and individuals. The new logon page itself does not reveal to which Office products it goes, but speaks only generally of pre-release versions of the entire Office product in range.

It is also not revealed that when the beta test is to be going to start. The individual Office programs are designed to provide the same touch interface, in principle, according to The Verge, as is known from the iPad version, published in April. Applications are going to be selected for testers are for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint one by one in order.

Word is going to be published in the specially designed version for Android tablets, as speculated for some time already, even before the introduction of Office for Windows Touch in early 2015. The Microsoft expert Mary Jo Foley firmly believes that Office for Android is on its way; after the huge success of the iPad app. Microsoft already known that the app has been dubbed over 27 million times on the iPad.

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