Wednesday, 2 July 2014 Encrypts E-Mails
Now this is Microsoft’s turn and it wants to improve the safety in the use of its email service namely, so that no middle man could read the content of the incoming and outgoing emails in transit.

Hence Microsoft increases the data security of through the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS). If Transport Layer Security is used the emails can be send in a more secured way. This TLS will protect the data only when receiving and sending email between the client and server but not on the server.

In addition to this, PFS a Perfect Forward Secrecy is supported for sending and receiving the emails between the individual providers. This also applies to the Microsoft cloud service namely OneDrive also.

The PFS will get employed when one comes to access OneDrive through their web browser, the mobile apps as well as via the sync client to use Microsoft detailed in an announced in their blog posting. The method is used with Deutsche Telekom, Yandex, Mail.Ru and many other providers, so that messages will remain encrypted throughout the transit when exchanging between large service providers.

Of course an end-to-end encryption is not assured that is the contents are protected during transport only. A help, for example, to integrate OpenPGP is not offered. Therefore, still the user must have to take care of the security of their email content.

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