While it might just seem like a commonly accepted fact that finally Wi-Fi would give faster speed then 4G, but in several other countries you get to view a different scenario. As per the reports of OpenSignal, U.S. LTE, speeds tend to be slow, but eventually trying to make improvement in this area.
As per the recent reports on U.S. WiFi Speeds by OpenSignal, there is an interesting nugget of information, which would be quite grasping news for many.
Network measurement firm revealed that the Wi-Fi speed which are available in hotels, retail stores, coffee shops, are relatively faster than the overall 4G network speed. Whereas, when a Smartphone user gets connect with a free Wi-Fi hotspot at around 8.77 Mbps, they tend to receive only 6.52 Mbps on a LTE platform and merely 4.31 Mbps on a HSPA+ link.
This was the recent information, which was available from OpenSignal’s data, which undergoes millions of tests through its effective crowd sourced network measurement app.
Well this might not come across as a big shock for many of you. One of the main reasons why people generally switch over from LTE to Wi-Fi is because it gives more bandwidth. However, this area is exception in the US, which has developed a well-built 4G infrastructure. Places like Australia, Sweden, the U.K., Japan and Korea, have LTE connections outpacing the public Wi-Fi networks. Carries such as Everything Everywhere of the UK have reported that there is a gradual decline in the area of Wi-Fi usage from their customer’s device.
However, why such a discrepancy? Well, it has to do a lot due to the way in which the US has made arrangements in its 4G section. It was amongst one of the very first countries to move ahead with large-scale LTE network, however, all of these networks were originally built on small fragment of spectrum. While the US carriers in the area of their download channel utilized 5 MHz or 10 MHz of spectrum, European carries had around 20 MHz East Asian and Australian carriers already using LTE Advanced carrier aggregation methods to pile up huge amount of spectrum in their respective networks.
There is one more reason also. The US comes with an excessively high LTE penetration level. Near about half of the entire LTE global connections towards the end of 2013 was there on the US networks as reported by the GSMA. This literally means that our network is gradually getting crowded with greater amount of people competing for the same level of capacity. You can coalesce this demand with even smaller size of our pipes and you will get a clear picture as in why the U.S. come almost at the end as per the reports made by the global LTE speed rankings.
However, there has been quite a number of new network construction works that has been seen in the U.S. this very year. Verizon has lately constructed a fresh LTE network in several of the major cities at new frequencies. It claims at providing twice the speed in several areas than what it previously generated. In addition, AT&T is following the same track and has utilized carrier aggregation to join in networks together. In around every 6 months time span, T-Mobile is increasing twice its capacity of its current network.
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