Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Twitter reportedly opening up its Tweet Analytics Dashboard service for each user

Tweet Analytics
When the social site giant Twitter Inc. believes in ‘more people, more fun’ concept, offering new feature for much easy access is very much expected then. The prime contender of Facebook Inc. has reportedly opening up its tweet analytics service for every user. Notably, Twitter has introduced this feature earlier this year, but only advertisers and verified Twitter account holders were eligible to get the feature. Now the company has decided to give its access to all the users gradually. Tweet Analytics Dashboard is a pretty cool tool which helps users to track the performance of their tweets, their account. So, in another word, this tool is a popularity meter for users.

How Twitter Dashboard works:
With Twitter Dashboard tool, users can evaluate their twitter performance and will be able to learn more about their tweets. Such as-
  • Users can check how their tweets are engaging new people in real time,
  • Can compare tweet performance on monthly basis and can check how their tweets played as trends over time,
  • Upon clicking a tweet, the dashboard will give every information about that tweet, including number of retweets, favourites, replies, follows or click it received.
  • Also the users will be able to download the tweet metrics.
Though the company has assured to offer this service to each user over Twitter platform, but right now any account older than 14 days can avail the offer. Also, according to the press release, users, who primarily tweets in English, Spanish, French and Japanese will get this feature. Those, fulfilling the criteria, can avail the service simply by logging into analytics. twitter.com with their username and password.

How to use the Dashboard:

Follow these simple steps to use the dashboard.
  • Click on any tweet to get a charts containing all details about that tweet, which includes number of retweets, replies, follows etc.
  • The same chart will show how many times that tweet got clicked and how it engaged with people.
  • Download the tweet metrics in a CSV file.
Dashboard keyword definitions:

Once you are well-known with the dashboard terminologies, then you are good to go. Here are the list of those keywords.

§ Engagement rate: This shows number of engagements divided by impressions.

§ Favourites: This number reflects how many times a user made his tweet favourite.

§ Follows: This number tells how many times a used followed you via your tweet.

§ Hashtag clicks: This number gives idea about how many times the hashtag in a tweet got clicked.

§ Impressions: How many times a used posted a tweet on timeline.

§ Replies and Retweets: This number tells you the number of retweets and replies a tweet got.

According to the company spokesperson, with tweet metrics and engagement metrics, which shall be updated in few seconds, the users will enjoy every bit of it to guess their popularity in real time. Before searching for the dashboard, just keep in mind that the account should fulfil all the criteria.

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