
Monday 13 October 2014

Google's 'Ingress' Offers New Creative Outlets for the Players

The new mission feature which is now available to Android users and expected to be available on iOS soon, is a feature announced by Google's Niantic Labs. Through this feature the users will be able to feed user-generated content in the Ingress augmented reality game. The new mission will challenge the players to visit different locations and complete a whole range of tasks like capturing or hacking or even use clues for solving puzzles to move ahead in the game.

In the latest feature of Ingress, the Niantic's Field Trip app data has been included which will enable the user to incorporate location pertaining to art, history, dining, shopping and many more, which has been given by more than 200 publishing partners. Niantic has not only been able to create new missions, but also allows the user to create new missions and also share it with other players of Ingress. Currently Niantic is working on increasing the reach of this feature to the level 5 of the game. However, at the moment this capability has been limited to only experiences agents.

Millions of Players: 

Although the game was made available to public in 2012, this complex science fiction back-story has a continuous narrative and with the vast online multiplayer, the game still relies on the GPS. In the game the players have the option to choose between resistances or enlightened. Ultimately they fight is about the controlling the exotic matter. The matter which is placed in a variety of portal all around the world are a source of energy and score for the players and their teams. According to reports more than 7 million people have actually installed Ingress on their Android operating systems and iOS.

New level of Player Involvement:

The new missions and features will raise the level of excitement in the players. Players will show increased loyalty part of the usage. They will be more invested in the outcomes of these missions. With a game like Ingress which basically mixed reality with fantasy, the players have their own ideas to how they would like to see the outcome. Gamers will be able to test their creativity in creating new missions for other players. Loyal players will enjoy this new opportunity. Keeping gamers involved is the key for keeping long existence in mobile market.

Possibilities of Growth in Market: 

Ingress will be able to offer users the opportunity to show their creativity, which is one the same line as that of Minecraft which also allows the users to customize and create their virtual world. Google has always been about empowering people and they are able to express the same through this game. Players will be able to share as well as communicate through Ingress.

According to Lewis Ward, research director for gaming with IDC, this new feature will mean lot of business in the market. One should be ready for visiting some of known locations due to the fact that there will be various companies interested to invest in the game to get their location added to the list.

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