Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Internet Revolution: Now to Get the Speed of 1 Gbps

With the increasing number of people relying on the internet and the increase in the demand of high speeds, one should be expecting new applications which will change the complete face of the online era. According to the research conducted by Elon University's Imagining the Internet Center and US-based think-tank Pew Research Center, by the end of 2025, huge changes are expected in every aspect of life.

This new speed era wherein internet is touching the speed of 1 Gbps, positive impacts is being expected in the fields of education, health, business and science. According to industry experts people will be able to carry out Hyper-personalized interaction within their surroundings with the help of video and Telepresence. There will be extreme dependence o the machines and the life will become virtual, people will be able to tap into information about others as they would have done without the internet.

Although, the Gigabytes connections are faster when compared to the traditional fixed line internet, they are still limited in America. According to the reports from Akamai (cloud service provider), 3.9 Mbps speed was recorded until the first quarter of 2014 around the globe. While countries like America and South Korea are the leaders, India is far behind in the list in terms of usage as well as peed.

Things that can change if increase in popularity of Gigabyte connectivity:

  1.  A simple interaction with friends, family or even doctors will no longer be limited to email. Without any set-up requirement, a user will be able to have video interactions. 
  2. Until now we have been documenting each moment of our lives through different medium, but with this connectivity, live streaming of our lives itself can be very much possible. 
  3. People will be able to buy health monitoring systems and it the monitoring of the patient will be much easier and cheaper when compared to the inside of the hospital. Robotic surgery will become something very common. 
  4. 3D imaging will be used for designing clothes every day. 
  5. Schools will be able to divide the classes and session between home and school. Interaction with the tutors and teaching will become much simpler. 
  6. People will no longer divide themselves into groups based on race and finance, the new division will be based on the fact who has the technology and who doesn’t.
Google initiated a project for building their Google fiber network and among the 1100 communities; Kansas was one of the chose city for the running of 1 Gbps. The company is now focusing on carrying the same project to cities like Texas, Austin and 34 others.

According to Rex Troumbley who is a research assistant at the University of Hawaii, people shouldn’t be comparing the bandwidth they are receiving with others as it can’t be equally distributed. On a low side, if a person is not getting high speed, they will have to settle down with low speed and bandwidth. This can give rise to a completely new divergence.

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