
Thursday 23 April 2015

Facebook Blames 'Bug' for Tracking Non-Users

Recently, Facebook made it clear that they could have tracked the non-Facebook users who are visiting the third party websites and links through the “Like” button of Facebook as it can embed without the permission or knowledge of those web users who are not using Facebook, but it was just due to “Bug” which is now being fixed.

The issue comes in existence when an academic report of Belgian Privacy Commission was commissioned by calming that Facebook, is violating the law of European Union as they are using the tracking methods and other contract terms.

According to blog post of Richard Allan, Vice President of at Facebook for Eurpian policies, At Facebook we are totally dedicated to dispute the recent findings of Belgian report that claims the Facebook is not providing a legitimate way for its users to opt out of being shown different advertisements to them on the platform of Facebook’s personal behavior techniques.

A team of privacy engineers and experts that analyze the recent findings of Belgian researchers stated that, we have find that report has get wrong on multiple points in analyzing and asserting that how Facebook is collecting and using the user’s personal information to provide better and relevant advertisements to more than billions of users in all over the world.

However; in response to claim that Facebook want to use the Social Plugins to add the files of cookies on the browser of people who are not using the Facebook website in any form, Allan stated that after a research Belgian researchers identified “datr” and thought that it is cookie, which we are using to track the non-Facebook users whereas; later they identified it as Bug.

He said we are not interested to track the non-Faccebook users as it’s not our practice, but researchers found that these bugs may have sent the files of cookies to some of the users who are not on Facebook.

As per the Facebook officials, this is not our practice to attach the cookies on the browsers of those people who are not using the Facebook and neither visited for sign-up purpose, but they has visited the Facebook site with Social Plugins.

However; Allan claimed that Belgian report has a number of misstatements such as; We provides an opportunity to opt out for behavioral and social advertising, while report is claiming that its misleadingly and tracking and violating the standard Web impressions.

However; most of the social networks use the cookies in three main ways, which is to personalize the Facebook platform for real time experience for existing users, to enhance the user security and for the purpose of advertising practice. Facebook is transparent about its cookie polices and they have long disclosed the use of cookies which meant to improve the real experience of users.

Facebook, Google and other major internet platforms has come under more scrutiny that how it tracks users to serve the ads for online products and services as they have got the more refined techniques with the help of purchasing and browsing behavior of any internet user.

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