
Wednesday 22 July 2015

Team Leads Google Expedition to Create 'Internet of Things' Technology

Google had given the first and fore most major Internet of Things gadget in the form of S Watch just a few years back. Now it is all set to bring great revolution in this segment by offering funding support to the unique expeditions by a team of different universities in creating a new robust platform for Internet of Things devices.

Under this great initiative, Carnegie Mellon University will be turning its university into a living laboratory. The aim of this expedition is to create a new and more novel robust platform, which will greatly improve the communication between the internet-connected devices and people.

Projects aims at improving the connectivity issues

The aim of this project is to radically enhance the human to human as well as human to computer interaction while bringing in a large scale deployment of Internet of things technology. There is also a focus upon ensuring privacy as well as improvement of features over time, which will enable the users to design application as per their needs and requirements for daily usage.

Carnegie Mellon University is at the helm of this project and it will be working in close with other prominent universities namely Cornell, Illinois, Standford and Google to create a new platform called GIoTTO to support IoT applications.

The initial plan is to focus on sensors, which are inexpensive in nature and offer easier deployment in GIoTTO. New middlewares will be developed to facilitate app development along with addressing privacy concerns by efficiently managing privacy and security issues. Most importantly new tools will be made available to the end users in order to enable them to develop their own IoT experiences.

Google funding this project to create a more consistent platform

Google believes in bringing collaboration of best of minds and ideas spread across universities in order to accelerate the innovation and IoT adoption on larger scale. Google will be initially providing $500,000 to Carnegie Mellon University for launching the expedition. The privacy and security related aspects will be taken by second CMU team, which will be led by Computer Science Professor Norman Sadeh.

Sadeh has stated that he will be demonstrating the use of various personalized privacy assistants, which will help users in configuring the privacy settings in order to retain control over their data.

The future prospects of this expedition

Internet of Things brings in a lot of promises which even appear to be futuristic at the moment but their wide scale adoption and deployment will bring a whole new level of experience for the end users. Sensors embedded in the building and everyday objects can eventually help in creating smart environments. CMU researchers had created Snap2It, it is a very unique system which allows the users to link the printer or projector by simply taking a smartphone photo of it.

Google’s aim here is to fulfill the IoT’s promise and potential by creating such complete system of interoperable IoT technology in a better manner through preserving privacy and ensuring security at the same time.

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