Friday, 3 July 2015

Windows 10 Preview Users to Get Genuine Final Release Build for Free

According to the blog post by Microsoft on Friday, there are lot of changes to be expected in the near future before the release of Windows 10 for tablets as well as PCs on the 29th of July. This blog highlighted that there is a hitherto undetailed way for the consumers to get the genuine windows 10 copy and that too absolutely free of cost.

They will be able to stay activated, all they will have to do will be to join the Windows 10 Insider Program. Then they need to install the build 10130 preview and proceed with connecting with their Microsoft Account. On the day of the release f the software, the users will be sent out the final build which will come in the form of regular update. But on Saturday the company has once again updated that they are confirming their stance and the same was confirmed in the blog post.

It details indicated that all the Windows Insiders will be receiving the final release of the Windows 10 build and the good news is that this build will be activated. According to Microsoft's General Manager for Operating System Group's Data and Fundamentals Team, Gabriel Aul, and also the author of the blog, this build will be absolutely genuine.

This change is importance as the users will be able to freshly install the Windows 10 Insider Preview build through an ISO file and they would not be requiring any licensed windows copy. This will allow the new users to get the genuine Windows 10 for free of cost and they do not need to spend a dime also.

Once the users have installed the build, they will be able to clean out the install with the installation of the final media release by the company. So finally it is confirmed that once the user has been running an insider build of the preview and also connected with the registered MSA, they will be sent the final build of the Windows 10 and it will remain activated. However on the flip side we can also understand that one day or another the users will have to pay to be able to remain activated and be able to enjoy all the ranges of the services.

According to the blog even after the release of the final build, the Windows Insider Program for Windows 10 will function and it will continue to receive update. There are no details if any activation is requiring being able to receive updates.

More clarification was given by Aul pertaining to the upgrade being free. It was indicated that people who are running the Genuine Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 will be able to run the Windows 10 upgrade as part of the free upgrade. As far as non-genuine Windows copies are concerned, no free upgrade will be provided to these users, they will have to pay to get an upgrade path.

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