
Thursday 24 December 2015

3D Video Games Can Improve Your Memory


3D Video Games – Improves Memory Retention

A new research published in the Journal of Neuroscience shows that 3D video games could improve memory retention in individuals.It has been observed by the researchers at the University of California Irvine – UCI that playing three dimensional video games could help people to perform better at memory tests.

The researchers trace the improvements in spatial and visual memory back to activity in the hippocampus, the area of the brain which is responsible for the spatial navigation and memory formation. When engrossed in a 3D game, the hippocampus tends to get stimulated and makes the subject more skilled at memorising spaces as well as creating mental maps of their surround.

 This discovery could be utilised in formulating new methods of preventing and treating dementia and memory loss. Researchers have encouraged that same part of the brain in virtual reality in experiments enabling mice with digital maze to run through, 3D environments, manufactured one could sharpen their memories in remembering spaces. It seems that the same stimulation tends to happen to humans while entering an immersive 3D game.

3D Performers Better than 2D Players

In order to test it, the researchers carried out a series of experiments with 3D as well as 2D games to observe if the 3D element or other type of immersion could be responsible in boosting the memories of the brain. For instance, in one experiment, the subject were engaged in playing Super Mario 3D World and Angry Birds for around 30 minutes daily in the course of two weeks.

Another group was monitored playing League of Legends – 3D and Super Smash Brothers Brawl, 2D comparatively. On playing these games, they were then given an image based memory test – MST-LDI, wherein they were asked to remember a set of images and relate whether an image in a set were included in the first. The individuals were also asked to navigate through a virtual version of a Morris water mazethat test for spatial learning as well as memory.

It was observed by the researchers that those who played 3D games seemed to perform much better on those memory tests than those who had only played 2D games. The results could be observed on how Super Mario players beat Angry Birds players on visual memory test over a period of two weeks.

Immersive Video Games – Beneficial/Enriching Experiences

The paper states that there is a possibility that by avoiding a narrow focus on single or small set of cognitive domains and by closely paralleling natural experience, immersive video games could be beneficial in providing enriching experiences which can translate into functional gains. Though the indications mention that 3D games tends to benefit memory in a way which 2D games do not, the study also cautions against bearing traditional video games in with games which are specially designed for training of the brain.

The study tends to highlight that it is still not known if the hippocampus is stimulated by the overall complication or only by the spatial exploration. They have stated that these observations could help in the development of new ways of keeping the hippocampus strong and active as the person tends to age.

The researchers have also stated that environmental enrichment such as 3D video games or real life mazes to navigate could be a system of reversing age related cognitive deficits. Professor Stark comments that `it is often suggested that an active, engaged lifestyle could be a real factor in stemming cognitive ageing’.

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