
Wednesday 13 July 2016

Has the LHC discovered a new particle?


Large Haldron Collider – Found New Particle

Cern’s group of Large Haldron Collider – LHC in Switzerland have found a new particle and in its first set of substantial effects since its upgrade last year, LHC researchers have noticed large spikes in energy which could be the consequence of particle impacts among new boson even larger than the Higgs. Physicists had been working hard crunching data gathered by the most powerful particle accelerator of the world which is presently functioning at unprecedented levels of energy as well as intensity.

Their attempts may not be without success since there has been a lot of excitement in the hallways and offices at Cern in Geneva on the so-called `bump’ in the data from the particle smashes of LHC. The LHC tends to crash two beams of proton particles together about 100m below the French Swiss border and scientists thereafter search the debris of these crashes for clues of the earlier undiscovered particles.

Out of trillions of similar collisions last year, scientists had identified more photon– light particles that were produced than estimated, regarding the said bump. More specifically, they perceived an excess of photon pairs with a shared mass of 750 Gigaelectronvolts- GeV.

Facts of LHC

This could be the revealing sign of a new heavy particle which is about six times more enormous than the famed Higgs boson which was discovered in 2012 at Cern. A new particle’s discovery would be very exhilarating as the widely accepted theory of particle physics – the Standard Model could not explain everything observed regarding the world that surrounds us. Facts of LHC are:

  • The Large Hadron Collider is a particle accelerator which tends to push two particle beams near the speed of light and crashes them together in order that scientists can check for signs of new physics phenomena in the debris 
  • Over 1,200 `dipole’ magnets are arranged end-to-end in a long 27km circular tunnel 100m beneath the French-Swiss border near Geneva 
  • The magnets steer the beam of any proton particle or lead ions around the ring of the LHC and allotted points surrounding the tunnel, the beams cross, enabling collisions to occur. 
  • The experiments which tend to analyse these collision, generate over 10 million gigabytes of data each year.

Statistical fluctuations Anticipated

Since the LHC first went online back in September 2008, signals have come and gone. Such types of statistical fluctuations are anticipated and the bumps generally get levelled out with the count of extra data. Prof Stefan Soldner-Rembold, head of particle physics at the University of Manchester explained that more data is needed to ensure that the signal does not go away, till then they need to be careful.

The reason people are excited about the bump is that both experiments, Atlas and CMS saw a suggestion in approximately the same place, but this is not completely unlikely. Gold standard for demanding a discovery in particle physics is said to be a statistical threshold call five sigma. This tends to corresponds to a chance of one in 3.5 million that the observed signal is a chance occurrence and unevenly the same chance as tossing a coin and getting 21 or 22 heads in succession.

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