
Friday 19 August 2016

Increase Engagement With Mobile Apps


The mobile access to the internet is a dynamic platform that is used a variety of ways. The entire cycle of browsing, engagement, and purchase happens through apps on mobile devices at an increasing rate. Here is a look at how you will be able to increase engagement and conversion for your brand with the Instagram, Pinterest, and Wanelo mobile apps.


The format of the Instagram app lends itself perfectly to mobile use. When people see images on the app that truly engage them, a majority will take some kind of action in response. This can range from liking the image to following the account, to purchasing a product. Content from a business such as Hamptoncreek not only communicates the ethos of the brand, it engages with colorful and appealing content.

Make it Dynamic

To fully utilize the power of Instagram, an extra layer of relevancy can be added in the form of dynamic advertising. This enables a business to harness data from a user’s online behavior to target what products are relevant to that individual consumer. If a prospective customer has browsed your offerings elsewhere online, when they come to Instagram they will see products that are relevant to them. This all happens in something called the carousel ad format.

Carousel ads provide more advertising options and flexibility by providing more information and images for those people who want to learn more about a particular image. A user who wants to learn more about the features of a product or service can choose to swipe left and access this additional content while still staying on the Instagram app.

Drive Traffic in Pinterest

Pinterest helps millions of people discover more about things that they are interested in. Through the power of visuals, users get ideas, make plans for projects, and find things to purchase. A business presence on the Pinterest app needs to communicate your brand through inspiring and entertaining visuals. When you have connected on that level, you can then show your followers why you are an expert in your product or service.

In It for the Long Term

For the length of engagement time per pin, Pinterest has a much longer life than Facebook or Twitter posts. People who are contemplating a big project or purchase will build large boards for months at a time and look at images in them repeatedly to figure out their plans. People who are using Pinterest to explore their passions and hobbies curate their boards for years. This results in added value for the content you put on Pinterest.

The tutorial site wikiHow has used Pinterest to build its online presence by building boards highlighting their instructional content. They see the app as a long term partner for their website’s growth. By judiciously pining their most engaging content on Pinterest, they are able to generate referral traffic several times larger than what they get from Facebook. Many times wikiHow edits and polishes older but still relevant content so that it will best present itself on the Pinterest app. WikiHow is also careful to pin content that fits in with their brand. They also use analytics from Pinterest to find viral content from their website.


With a mostly female audience that is made up of fifty percent millenials, Wanelo is a shopping platform that is reaching into the future. Users of Wanelo are coming to shop and purchase on their mobile devices. Both new and experienced retailers with their own commerce sites have been flocking to the app due to its conversion rates that are higher than industry standards. Many of the small businesses on Wanelo feel that the app with millions of users has made them just as visible as huge conglomerates. The effectiveness of selling on Wanelo will increase even more with the advent of being to sell directly on the app.

To enable your business to sell merchandise from the Wanelo app, you need to submit your product feed to them. The app will then sync up with your inventory and enable your customers to complete their purchase right on the app.

With more mobile devices appearing in the marketplace every day, the time is now to utilize mobile apps that will grab the attention of your audience and turn them into customers. Interactive platforms that use innovative ways to easily convert visitors into consumers are the apps that achieve the best results in mobile internet solutions for business.

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