Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Microsoft is updating Windows 10 again, in its latest bid to win you back


Latest Update to Microsoft’s Windows 10

A latest update to Microsoft’s Windows 10 is likely to come up and the list of alterations for free paper anniversary updates to Win 10 of Microsoft could fit on a small sheet with around dozen bullet points. The changes are in the making of the digital pen to be more useful with new technology in identifying hacking attacks together with the capability of logging into a computer with a wearable device rather than a password.

Cortana, the voice-activated assistant of the company would be achieving new features with each designed to bring about the technology nearer to the same features of a real-life personal assistant according to Laura Jones a Microsoft spokeswoman. Microsoft and the PC industry are basically treating the launch of August 2 with this is mind, as just another Tuesday which according to an analyst at Endpoint Technologies Associate, Roger Kay, it is just fine and stated that Microsoft tends to be better off directing its efforts on considerable business in upgrading than teaching consumers who tend to be unaware of what version of Windows they seem to be running, with regards to an incremental upgrade. He comments that people are possibly not very excited by the same.

New Pet Projects

Since the debut of Windows 8 in 2012 when the company had spent hundreds of millions of dollars informing the world about it, Microsoft has indicated a change. Satya Nadella had taken over as the new CEO of Microsoft two years back and the Windows leadership team had been changed with the company now releasing its extensively used Word, Excel as well as PowerPoint Office software for phones as well as tables and not just PCs.

Besides this it also started releasing new pet projects initially such as computer intelligence powered camera app for iPhone of Apple. Windows too will be changing and the software behemoth has been making improvements on its promise of running Windows as a service which means that it would be sending modifications together with latest features to PC a couple of times a year. The outcome is that the PCs tend to get the latest features faster together with systematic modifications of the prevailing ones

Windows 10 Anniversary Update

Microsoft also tend to provide its Windows 10 software, free of cost to almost all who have bought a PC in the past decade, which is said to be a break from its practice of charging hundreds of dollars for the upgrades and the offer is likely to end soon. The manufacturers of PC also have informed about the alterations too.

The companies have established on communicating the experience of utilising a computer and will no longer focus on computer-equivalent of talking about horsepower all the time. The new software known as Windows 10 Anniversary Update is only a portion of the general mystery. An analyst at Gartner, Van Baker had commented that would it going to stop the tide with regards to migration from the PC to mobile devices? Absolutely not’. He then added that Windows Anniversary Update would be worth downloading.

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