Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Seven Amazing Facebook 'Secrets' You Probably Didn't Know About


We all tend to use Facebook in order to get connected and be in contact with our friends, acquaintances and relatives who could be at any location of the world. Some of the features may tend to impose on us. Most of us may not be aware of some of the awesome features which have not drawn much of our attention. There are a few hints, tricks and tips which several users are unaware of Facebook though it has been around for over a decade. Facebook which is a social media behemoth, tends to have more than 1.44 billion active users per month where American seem to spend about 40 minutes daily on it which accounts for almost 20% of overall time online. However in spite of all the usage, there seems to be several features which the user may not realize Facebook tends to have. Here one can get some insight from the Facebook inbox right to getting a preview into the lives of strangers across the world:

1. See all who have rejected your request

If the user wants to know who have rejected their friend requests on Facebook there is a method in doing so. Devoted users of the social network for several years would have come across one or two rejections in creating a friend list which could comprise of ex-primary school mates, work colleagues as well as distant relatives. The process tends to take less than 60 seconds which can be done by opening Facebook, in the browser and not the app. Then you could click on the friend request tab and select `view all’ in the drop down menu and finally click on `view sent requests’.

2. Connect with strangers around the world 

You may have come across excess of Facebook Live videos coming into your New Feed during the past months though there is another lesser-known live streaming feature on the site. On clicking the icon on Live Video below the App section on the left-hand navigation bar the user has the capability of accessing people’s feed that tend to record clips all over the world.
3. Access your `other’ box

When Facebook considers that something could be possibly a spam, it tends to diverts it to your Message Request inbox where it could remain endlessly. You could view these messages by opening up Facebook Messenger on your phone and click the `Me’ section towards the bottom right of the screen and go to the `People’ section. Select `Message Requests’ and hit the link `See filtered messages’.

4. Play the secret football game 

Facebook had launched an addictive football game, at the beginning of June in order to celebrate the summer of Soccer as Euro 2016 had started. To play the football game, you could update your Messenger version and send a football emoji to any of your friends. On tapping the emoji once it is sent, you could start playing

5. View all photos your friends have liked on Facebook 

A Simple way of viewing every photo you have liked on Facebook and the photos your friends, family and many other have liked is by heading to the tool bar towards the top the Facebook profile and explore `Photos liked by me’. If you wish to view all the photos your friends have liked then you could type in `Photos liked by, followed by the name of the person. You could also filter the images according to the year, place and who they had been posted by. Besides these you could also look out for posts which could have been hashtagged in Facebook by just adding the tagged word towards the end of the web address for instance https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/. You would get various results on typing post with hashtag `clarkson’ in the search box of Facebook. It could be worth attempting it.

6. Play Chess 

You could also play chess by utilising Facebook Messenger. On opening a conversation with an individual you intend to play with, just type `@fbchess play’. Then a board tends to appear and your opponent is invited to make the first move. You could select a piece by using K for king, Q for queen, B for bishop, N for knight, R for rook and P for pawn.

7. Remotely log out of Facebook

If the user tends to remain logged on to Facebook on a public computer, through oversight, you could log out from another location by going to Setting-Security to where you’re Logged In and hit `end activity ‘in order to log out.


Facebook had been created in order to help viewers to get connected with their colleagues, friends, family and relatives and many others. The fact is that it is even better when one tends to get connected with them on their own terms.

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