
Saturday 10 December 2016

Google Lets Developers Build “Conversation Actions” for Google Home

Google Home
Google - A household name for the millions of internet users and recognized as one of the most important and useful search engine, which allows people to explore the world with ease and comfort. The massive growth in the science and the technology division have paved the way for the computer and the internet, which have changed the entire social structure and the idea, lifestyle and livelihood of people.

Today, it is quite tough to identify a single item or issue that is not having the touches of digital technology, therefore, the importance of the regular developments of the search engines are considered as a mandatory issue, which helps in obtaining smooth and powerful search results. With an intention to provide useful supports for its users, Google tries their best to develop their service, with new options and access, which are of high quality and relevance.

It can be noted that Google has recently announced that all types of developers, apart from its members of the private preview line up, can start the bringing of their respective services and applications to the very prominent Google Assistant, which will be starting with the all-important “conversation actions” of the Google Home.

This particularly allows the developer in creating backward and forward conversations with users all the way through the Assistant and the individual user can simply initiate these useful conversations just by using the phrase, such as; “Ok Google, Speak to Martha.”

This particular Assistant runs inside the app, like Allo Chat, it is also available on various pixel phones. Google has already made the commitment that it is planning to bring unique actions to these other important “Assistant surfaces” in the near future, although when exactly this will happen, it is still quite unclear.

To provide excellent support for those developers, who intend to build the newly formed Conversation Actions be getting started; Google has been teaming up with some partners, such as; APIAP, DashBot, GupShup, Voice Lab, Notify IO, Assist, Spoken Layer and Witlingo etc. for better assistance.

Google also allowed a very small number of associates / partners in enabling their respective app on the very popular Google Home. It may also be noted that these integrations will have to roll out within a short while, as early as, by next couple of days.

This is worth mentioning that Google made their platform more accessible and of low friction means for the user that helps in getting their voice-enabled services, with a very simple command so that the user can invoke these novel actions and that is also, without any enabling of a specific skill, such as; required on Alexa.

Google will take the final call or control over facilitating of actions on the Google Home. Google also said that they will make possible of deeper integrations across the verticals in their upcoming releases and also provide required support for the booking and purchase, but the time of availability of these assistances is still remaining a very big question.

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