
Monday 6 February 2017

New Smartwatch Software May Now Verify Your Signatures

A new software has been unveiled by the researchers of Tel Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University that will enable the smartwatches to verify the handwritten signatures. We all know that a handwritten signature is still the most reliable verification of a person’s identity. In recent times there have been fake signatures that can lead to unjust verification of identities. But with this new development in the field of technology all such discrepancies can be avoided as this smart launch will now ensure the power to be in just hands as none will be able to escape from its spell and the true identity of the individual can be verified in no time.

This additional feature that will be included in the watches making the watches a smart watch will be enforced into the market by the year 2020. The way we are dependent on the justness of the signature this immediate remedy was very much needed.

These days we are all well aware that signatures on a digital pad or signing using an electric pen has replaced the traditional method of using pen and paper but all this advancements needs to be verified before accepting their accuracy.

The new software that is developed by Dr. Shmueli and Alona Levy, who is his student, in association with Professor Yuval Elovici from BGU, Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering along with his student Ben Nassi is capable of developing any common smartwatch into a remarkable verifier of signatures.

The technology is devised in such a way that it utilizes motion data, i.e. the wrist movement of a person with the help of an accelerometer or a gyroscope, that identifies the process of signing and helps to verify that whether the signature is genuine or fake.

This smartwatch is obviously a much preferable signature verifier in comparison to other devices, since it verifies the entire movement of your wrist than only basing the verification in terms with your arm or finger. From several years experiment in this field have been developed to base this system of verifying signature using motion data but its application has been fed for the first time in this newly manufactured smartwatch.

A rigorous test has also been taken to verify the efficiency of the device on 66 TAU undergraduates. All the students who were wearing smartwatches were asked to provide 15 samples of their signature on a tablet, using its digital pen. Then these students were shown certain video clips and were asked to figure out the signatures.

They were given sufficient time but yet they could not figure out the original signatures. There results were full of forgery. On the other hand, the smart watch has developed to become more smart in terms of its accuracy to verify signatures proved itself by providing top-notch accuracy in verifying signatures without any fallacies.

This is an amazing innovation that will benefit all aspects of one’s life. The hackers have reached up their extreme limit in doing forgeries but with this technology equipped in smartwatches will restrict all sorts of wrong doings.

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