
Tuesday 1 August 2017

Mono-Live Gadget Review: Sonnet Will Turn Your Phone Into Off-Grid Life Saver


Sonnet – Off-Grid Hexagon

Sonnet which is an off-grid hexagon tends to connect to your phone providing the potential of sending messages or even maps without the need of a cellular or satellite signals. It is the most advanced off-grid Mobile Mesh network and is like a walkie-talkie for your phone.

 It tends to have global offline maps, together with a panic button to send an SOS signal as well as a 4000mAh battery to charge your phone when it is on low charge. Our phones are dependent on mobile network and are unable to keep the user connected when the mobile network is inaccessible or defective like on instance when one is

  • Travelling the backcountry and the network is not available or could have very light coverage 
  • Traveling abroad and the network tends to be unreliable or very expensive 
  • Attending crowded events where the network tends to be slow and congested having too many users around the place 
  • Encountering a natural disaster where the network service tends to get disrupted or totally damaged 

Walkie-talkies have a tendency of functioning anywhere though they could be:

  • Massive and burdensome and some may weigh tons while carrying them around the place 
  • Complex and unintuitive where plenty of tuning and setup may be needed before it could be utilised 
  • Very low-quality audio with no text, image. It tends to have bad audio which may at times lead to miscommunication

Sonnet Super Advanced Walkie-Talkie

Sonnet being an Off-the-Grid communication device enables the user to utilise their smartphone as a super advanced walkie-talkie which has the possibility of sending super advanced walkie-talkie that can send instant message, image data, voice recording as well as GPS Coordinates in the absence of cellular coverage’s and internet access.

Sonnet is said to bring about the long range wireless communication of the walkie-talkie to your smartphone and connect to the smartphone via Wi-Fi relaying any data sent from your phone to other sonnet devices through the long-range radio wave. This tends to remove totally the reliance of the smartphone on cellular grid and the other network infrastructure enabling it to be utilised when there is no cellular connectivity or internet access. It does not have any frequency to tune or channel to be set. The user could only connect and get started with chatting. One can utilise the Sonnet App just the way as any other instant messengers for:

  • One-on-one private messages 
  • Private group messages 
  • Public messages to any users of Sonnet within the range.

Sonnet Equipped with SMA Connector

Sonnet App tends to run directly in the browser of the smartphone and hence one need not download or install any app. Sonnet is entirely off-the-grid and functions independently of any network infrastructure which means that Sonnet enables the user to remain in touch with friends and colleagues irrespective of where they may be.

 The usual point-to-point range between two devices of Sonnet is 5 km, around 3 miles. This range could be up to 15 km in case of a line-of-sight such as when the sender and the receiver seem to be on top of two mountains. Besides this, Sonnet is equipped with a SMA connector wherein one can connect their own directional antenna for the purpose of increasing the point-to-point range much further.

The mesh network of Sonnet tends to intensively increase the effective range further than the point-to-point range by relaying the data via the other devices. The data can be relayed by Sonnet up to 16 times in achieving a maximum range of 80 km. To use Sonnet there is no need of a subscription fee and one can send as many messages as one desires.


In Emergency – Panic Button

If one device tends to have internet connection, the entire network can then have access to it. If Sonnet is placed in a car or base where there is availability of internet, then one can have access to the internet in the backcountry by being in possession of another Sonnet. The Sonnet App had an offline map wherein one can get directions and view points of interest without the internet connection. In an event of emergency, the app which has a panic button comes in handy.

You could long press the button for five seconds to activate the SOS mode, broadcast your prevailing GPS location and your distress message is conveyed to all Sonnet users within range. Being equipped with a 4000 mAh lithium polymer battery, it comes with a USB port and hence one can charge your smartphone with it.

Sonnet tends to charge fully most of the smartphones on the market. Sonnet is said to have a rugged design making it compatible for the purpose of out-door use and is rated IP66 meaning that it is dust and water resistant.

This enables the user to bring the Sonnet along no matter where one may intend to travel. Sonnet is secure and all communications done with Sonnet are said to be end-to-end encrypted with AES -256-bit. Moreover, Wi-Fi link between Sonnet and the smartphone are said to be secure with WPA/WPA2.

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