Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Google ARCore Brings Augmented Reality to Android

Google’s Innovative Software Development Kit

Google has released an innovative software development kit – SDK known as ARCore in order to bring about an experience of augmented reality – AR nearer to Android users. The ARCore system being a software development kit will enable anyone to bring the AR features to the prevailing Android phones with any hardware updates. Google had mentioned in a statement recently that the platform has now been made available for the developers for the purpose of experimenting which would reduce the competences of augmented reality to the prevailing and the forth-coming Android phones.

 The company constructed on important technologies utilised in Tango, another AR platform by Google, though ARCore is said to be scalable all over the ecosystem of Android since it does not need any extra hardware. Google has mentioned that ARCore branches from its work on Tango. When it had been introduced in 2015, Tango enabled users with compatible devices to create detailed 3D maps of the world by directing a camera towards an object. The Lenovo PHAB2 Pro had been the first Tango phone which had been released.

Work with Java/Open GL….

The innovative AR platform is said to be rolled out to Google Pixel together with Samsung S8 that tends to run on Android 7.0 Nougat and more. Google has been functioning with manufacturers like ASUS, Huawei, LG, and Samsung as well as with the other main smartphone makers for scrutiny on quality and performance. ARCore that tend to work with Java/OpenGL, Unity and Unreal technologies is said to focus on three features namely motion tracking, environmental, understanding and light estimation.

These would permit the camera of a phone to identify feature points in a room, detect horizontal surfaces where AR object could be located and interpret lighting conditions in order that virtual objects could be lit properly. The company has also manufactured `Blocks and Tilt Brush application to create 3D content to be utilised in AR apps. Apple had make public its ARKit platform directed on augmented reality applications during its annual Worldwide Developers Conference enabling developers to design apps which would take virtual content at the top of the scenes of real-life.

New Visual Position Service

Google had mentioned in a blog post that they have been targeting 100 million devices towards the end of the preview. Moreover the company has also added experiments with AR page portraying what the ARCore technology can perform. This move of Google into augmented reality is not surprising wherein the firm had mentioned at its developer’s conference this year that it had been working on a new visual position service which is said to support phone in understanding where people are indoors.

 And this can be done be being proficient in detecting what objects are place before the camera of a device. The iOS 11 of Apple that would be made available to the consumer later in the year will comprise of the ARKit which, as per the announcement at the conference would enable iPhone and iPad developers to experience the combination of digital overlays on the real world.

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