Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Lynq is a Dead-Simple Gadget for Finding Your Friends Outdoors


Finding Your Friends Easily with Lynq

Ever found yourself in a large crowd and for the life of you couldn’t locate where your friends or family were? Well no more. There’s a new gadget in town by the name of Lynq, this dandy device helps you locate you friends easily without any distress. It is simple to use and highly effective. All lynq needs is for you to enter your friends or families names and you won’t ever have to worry about going and looking for them if they or you are lost.

Lynq becomes a handy little tool that you simply clip onto your bag or jeans to locate friends in a fair or concert or while camping. You never have to say I’m by so-and-so thing again and what’s even more interesting is that this cool device does not require an internet connection to work. It is simple and neat.

All about Lynq:

A few features here and there and that’s all what Lynq does. It gets you to your friends when you’re lost and that is great in and of itself. Using a combination of GPS and kinetic positioning, it tells you your position in relation to your friends.

There are no pins on a map or directions or coordinates to tell you where your friends are, just simply a vector that works anywhere outdoors. All you see is a blob that moves around lynq’s screen to tell you where your friends are. The closer they are the larger the blob in the direction they can be found and vice versa.

With lynq, up to 12 persons can get connected and this device works for up to 3 miles or longer depending on the outdoors.

A few Features with Lynq: 

Besides adding your friends into the its system, the device also allows you to navigate to a home location or base point where all connected lynq devices can point toward and a safe zone that warns you when a person leaves the safe radius.

You could even send basic messages which are already preset into the system like “help” or “meet up”.

Other uses of Lynq: 

Other than taking lynq on camping trips, this gadget is useful for keeping track of the elderly, pets, kids or it can be really useful for rescue workers too.

While it is really helpful for civilians, the military too found it very useful. In a joint testing program with the Thai ministry of defense, the U.S. Pacific Command found this gadget extremely useful in finding soldiers in the absence of any radio signal. It also helped them to get into formation faster for conducting a search mission.

This gadget has not only captured the interest of the US government but is also easy to understand and use.

When not in use lynq switches off but continually receives data behind the scenes. This helps in saving battery and plus when you open back the screen there is no lag in data. This gadget can be got for $154 for a pair and the price is likely to go up soon, so you might want to grab a pair before it does.

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