Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Google Maps for Motorcycles is Coming

Google Maps for Motorcycles
Google maps is a really helpful tool if you travel a lot to places you’ve never really been before. You can adjust the mode depending on your type of travel whether it is on public transportation or if you’re taking your own car. Google maps shows the street as you drive on it as well as landmarks so that you don’t get confused when there are no street names to go by. All in all using Google maps has become an indispensable tool for a lot of people since its first release. Now another option to hit Google maps for motorcycles.

Google initially tested out Google maps for motorcycles in India and there was no better place for them to do so. India has the highest motorcycle usage in the world and with the abundance of narrow roads and alleyways in the country, Google has made specific maps only for motorcycle usage. After India it is onto Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Honk Kong, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines for Google maps for motorcycles.

What does Google maps for Motorcycles have that other modes of transportations do not have? 

Google maps for motorcycles takes into account narrow roads and alleyways as well as the normal routes. The idea behind the Google maps for motorcycles doing this is that two wheelers can easily take these routes where otherwise vehicular traffic would not be able to.

Since these additional routes are taken into account of, Google maps for motorcycles gives an estimate of the time taken to travel, congestion and the rest with these routes in mind.

Another reason to add these routes onto Google maps for motorcycles is that if the normal routes do not really allow for two wheelers, then motorcyclists can automatically take other routes rather than later having to re- route.

Google maps for motorcycles to be used before travel: 

A feature that stands out on Google maps for motorcycles is that the app takes into account landmarks such as hospitals or hotels rather than street names which are difficult to read and maybe even find while one is travelling.

The idea is for one to already know where they are going by looking at Google maps for motorcycles before they set out to travel. This will avoid unnecessary looking at the phone while traveling which could cause accidents and serious harm to the traveler or people nearby.

Why did Google release Google maps for Motorcycles first in India? 

Companies go where there is demand and a market. The same happened here too with Google for motorcycles. India has one of the largest markets for two wheeler transportation in the world, hence Google motorcycles in India.

In the U.S sales of motorcycles are lagging and that could be one of the reasons why Google looked to Asia for its Google maps for motorcycle testing.

While sales in the U.S. lagged, sales in India were increasing driven in part by Government spending on rural road constriction within the country.

As of now there is no news whether Google will bring out Google maps for motorcycles in America.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Bacteria powered solar cells Converts Light to Energy

Bacteria powered solar cells

Now its Bacteria Powered Solar Cells

With the amount of fossil fuels being burnt for our daily living and the amount of pollution that there is, it is no wonder why researchers are looking for alternative means to get energy to power our daily living. Of those new energy sources is solar power. Solar power is now being used in many places to generate electricity but is still not being widely used. The cost of installing a solar panel is too exorbitant and that acts as a deterrent in using them. Plus another limitation is that they do not generate much electricity form the sun when there are overcast skies. This led to researchers coming up with Bacteria powered solar cells.

Researchers use the bacteria to power solar cells and they even generate electricity when there are overcast skies. What’s more is that this method is cheap and sustainable even for long periods. Plus to use bacterial powered solar cells means you get more energy than what is available today.

Bacteria powered solar cells a solution to our problems? 

This new way of using bacteria powered solar cells, will be especially useful in places where overcast skies are common and where previously solar energy could not be used. Such places like British Columbia and northern parts of Europe could benefit from this bacteria powered solar cell.

The bacteria powered solar cell is called “biogenic” since they are made from living organisms.

Bacteria powered solar cells in a solar panel: 

Solar cells are the building blocks in a solar panel and thus by using bacteria powered solar cells, you would actually be using them in the panels itself. These bacteria will convert solar energy into electricity.

Previous efforts at using bacteria involved the dyes that bacteria uses in photosynthesis. This process that involved extracting the dye, is a costly process and involves the use of toxic materials, which therefore pushes up the cost of making a solar panel.

What’s more is that the toxic materials that were used in the process actually degraded the dye making it less useful.

The new method of making a bacteria powered solar cells: 

The breakthrough idea came when scientists decided to leave the dye in the bacteria itself and not to extract it.

So they genetically engineered E.coli to produce large volumes of lycopene. Lycopene is a dye that gives tomatoes their red color and more importantly to harvest solar energy to produce electricity.

After this, researchers used a coating on the bacteria to make it act as a semiconductor and then used the bacteria powered solar cells in a solar panel.

The results were astounding. The bacteria powered solar cell generated 0.686 milliamps per square centimeter on the solar panel as compared to 0.362 achieved by current methods.

The use of bacteria powered solar cells is sustainable and cost effective. Researchers estimate the costs in the realms of 1/10th the current cost of making a solar cell.

The next step for researchers is to get the bacteria to survive so as to continue to produce the dye that would convert solar energy.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Best 5 Google Apps to Better Run Your Household

Google Home Google Apps

While GSuite previously known as Google apps is a blessing when it comes to office work, what many don’t know is that it can be used at home too. With all the Google apps being in one place and often integrated, GSuite / Google apps seems to work at office and at home too. Imagine if you’re a parent and have a full time job too, keeping tabs of both your work life as well as your child’s life can be a really daunting task so why not get Google apps to help you along the way?

Using Google Calendar on Google apps to help keep track of your child’s events:

Keep track of your child’s school events and appointments with Google calendar on Google apps. You can add multiple calendars for each child and put all those child’s event into one place whether it be soccer practice or a friend’s birthday party.

You can even put different colors for different children to avoid any misplacement of schedules. You can also toggle off or on each calendar if you just need to see your own schedule.

With the Google app you can also share the calendar with others, like your child’s calendar with a spouse or a care giver without the need to send your events too.

All you need to do is select the three dots near the person’s calendar option and press “settings and share”. Even when you add a new event to the calendar, Google calendar updates the calendar which has been shared without the need for you to contact that person.

Get in touch with Gmail’s multiple tabs and snooze feature on Google apps:

Gmail on Google apps has a feature whereby you can separate emails by the types of sender like for example social media emails can go in a separate tab. What this feature does is allow you to keep your mail clean and concentrate only on the things that matter without getting too overwhelmed by a lot of emails.

You can access this feature form the Settings icon on Gmail and press “configure inbox”.

The Snooze feature is an excellent way to not only declutter your inbox but to also keep track of events as and when they occur. For example keeping the confirmation for your child’s school trip for a week before the trip. This also helps you keep track of what needs to happen and when.

Google hangouts on Google apps to stay in touch:

Google hangouts as a part of Google apps, is a cool way to stay in touch with loved ones at work too. You can access Google Hangouts from your desktop and Gmail and switch between answering emails to keeping in touch with your child. You could even check if you’ve missed some notification from the family too.

Using Google maps From Google apps to travel:

You can use Google maps to reduce the time you take to reach from one place to another. Besides giving you updates on traffic on your route you can even check out if there is a shortcut to the route you’ve been taking for years. This will help you keep your schedules while getting a few minutes rest too.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Tips for Keeping Your Business and Your Customers Safe Online


The internet is a place of adventure and excitement! It allows us to connect with anyone, anywhere in the world, at any time.

It has also made doing business a lot more exciting. Just a few decades ago, businesses were relegated to serving customers in their immediate area. Today, businesses can sell their goods across the globe, making more money than they ever thought possible!

However, for as exciting as the internet is, it also comes with loads of responsibility. That’s especially the case if you’re a business that wants to stay safe online and keep its customers safe online as well.
With these tips, you can confidently build your presence online without worrying about the security of your company or the safety of your clients and customers.

Create a Comprehensive Privacy Policy

In a world of hackers and businesses that sell your information for money, a privacy policy has become a must. A few questions Reciprocity recommends asking yourself include, "Do you even have a written policy for handling, tracking, storing, and sharing the data you collect? Do you have clear steps defined in the process, including how to tag data, so you can easily retrieve it no matter where it goes?"

Based on those answers, you can, "determine which of them your enterprise is in compliance with and where it falls short, and what you must do to reach compliance."

Digging into your privacy policy will help you uncover compliance issues, and at the same time, it will boost user confidence in your brand.

Get Smart About Logins

The wrong logins can make your business susceptible to hackers. That means sensitive company information could be stolen, but it also means your customers’ information can be stolen too.

It’s time to get serious about logins. That means choosing logins that:
  •   Don’t contain recognizable words
  •  Contain numbers
  •  Contain symbols
  •  Have at least 12 characters
It also means being careful about who in the company has access to what information. Only provide access to essential information and lock down the rest so you don’t have to worry about a leak from the inside either.

Be Careful with Ecommerce

There are a lot of great tips out there about how to create a fantastic ecommerce website. By following those tips, you can literally build a customer base that spans the entire globe.

However, it’s ecommerce that can cause the most security problems. After all, people are giving you their personal information for your product or service! That’s why you have to be careful about establishing and maintaining an ecommerce site.

Only ask for information from customers that is absolutely necessary to complete a transaction. Follow ecommerce best practices and consider not storing any payment information to protect yourself and your customers from fraud.

Keep Security Software Current

Malware and viruses are a real threat to your business too. It isn’t just hackers! That’s why it’s important to keep your security software current.

Downloadable programs make this easier than ever, but there are some other things you should do to protect your computer and your database.

Update everything in a timely manner. That includes security software, but it also includes browser and operating system updates. You may also want to consider additional programs, like ad blockers, that can keep you safe from a wide variety of threats.

The best approach to security is definitely one that includes many different techniques and methods to keep both your business and your customers safe.

Educate Yourself on Scammer Techniques

Sometimes, you’re at fault when it comes to compromising the safety of your business or your customers. Don’t be too hard on yourself though. Scammers can be tricky!

It pays to educate yourself on the best ways to protect yourself from online fraud. That includes:
  •  Never clicking on a link from an untrustworthy sender
  •  Double checking email addresses to make sure the sender is who they say they are
  •  Keeping tabs on your social media followers and deleting fake or hacked accounts
When in doubt, it’s always a good policy to throw it out. Falling for a scam could mean losing control of important company information, and it can also mean your customers have to deal with drained bank accounts.

Online safety is about more than just keeping your business safe—it means keeping your customers safe too! With these tips, you can confidently do both so your company remains successful for many years to come.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

HAMR: Swimming robo roach makes a splash


HAMR, the robotic amphibious roach

There have been a few insect-robots like the RoboBee and VelociRoACH that have been created in the past and the latest insect robot is the HAMR, an amphibious roach. The HAMR or the Harvard Ambulatory MicroRobot was created by Harvard University.

In 2013, the actual HAMR was created and it was tether controlled. It measures 4.4 cm long and moves at a speed of 8.4 body lengths per second. It was created by using 23 microscopic layers of material that was sandwiched together and the patterns were cut out using laser.

The latest version of the HAMR weighs 1.65 grams and features four foot-pads on the four legs. This robotic roach created by the scientists is amphibious in nature. It can walk on land as well as swim on the surface of the water. The HAMR is also designed to walk underwater as long as it is desired, enabling the robot to explore new environments.

Working of the HAMR

When the HAMR enters the water, the foot pads provide the surface tension-induced buoyancy to prevent it from sinking. There is a provision for flaps on the underside of the pads that helps it to move across the water. The HAMR moves its legs in a swimming motion at a frequency of up to 10 Hertz. When the robot moves across the surface of the water it can evade any of the obstacles present and also reduce drag. The HAMR has four pairs of asymmetric flaps and customized swimming gait that help it to swim on the surface of the water. There is an unsteady interaction created between the passive flaps of the robot and the surrounding water which enables the robot to swim forward and turn.

From the underside of the pads, the HAMR can apply electric current to the water. This is electrowetting whereby the voltage that is applied will reduce the contact angle between an object and the water surface. Due to this the surface tension breaks and the robot sinks.

The robot uses the same mechanism to walk along the bottom of the water just like it walks on land. There is a watertight coating of a polymer known as Parylene to prevent shorting of the HAMR.

In order to get onto the land the HAMR has to break through the surface. A water surface tension force which is almost twice the robotic weight pushes the robot down. There is also an induced torque that increases the friction on the hind legs of the robot. To overcome this difficulty, the scientists have stiffened the transmission of the HAMR and put soft pads to the front legs of the robot. This helps to increase the payload capacity and the friction gets redistributed to enable the robot to climb. The robot then walks up an incline and breaks out of the water surface.

There is a possibility of using technology that gets its inspiration from geckos such as the gecko-inspired adhesives or jumping mechanisms where the HAMR can come out of the water without the use of a ramp or a slope.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Google Duplex: Google's Eerie Human Phone Bot is Ready for the Real World

Google Duplex gets a Redo

These days everyone is on the AI bandwagon, from apps to gaming, you can see AI on all these platforms. So why not get AI to book appointments and reservations at restaurants? That’s what Google thought back in May when it released a bot to make reservations and other stuff, called Google Duplex. On first hearing the voice, many thought it was weird and just didn’t sound right.

At the Google’s developer conference in May, a bot or AI or Google Duplex was heard calling a salon and a restaurant to book a reservation on behalf of a human. This initial show of Duplex caused many to raise a number of issues with the chat bot, one of them being that the person on the other end did not know that they were talking to a chat bot and the other that they did not even know they were being recorded. Both of these issues significantly invades a person’s privacy and the said person is unaware of both these issues.

Google Duplex to get a redo:

Google has since then taken these issues seriously and a few weeks before Google Duplex can be used by a small number of small businesses and users, Duplex has got a big redo.

Google aims to address these issues at a time when it has released a set of principles that prevents Googlers from using AI tech in technologies that could affect or violate human rights.

Google Duplex in a Demonstration: 

This time around in order to show case the new and improved version of Duplex, Google used a Hummus shop down the road from their headquarters in Mountain View, California. Google got Duplex to make a reservation at the restaurant which they played through the restaurant’s speakers so that the assembled reporters could hear Google Duplex in action.

As soon Duplex hit the ears of all those present a few differences were immediately apparent. Google’s Duplex informed the person on the other line that it is Google’s automated booking service and that it’ll be recording the call.

There were even Google’s representatives present to answer any questions that the reporters might have. The reporters were even given a chance to rotate around and answer the phone. Google’s duplex was being made to call through Google assistant from a laptop just a few feet away in the restaurant.

While many reporters took their turn at the restaurant, many of them tried to trip up the chat bot and when the chat bot was unable to satisfactorily complete the call, another person came on line which one would barely notice as a real human being.


No regrets: 

Google had no regrets at showing Duplex at their developer’s conference back in May. They said they were only demonstrating the technology side of things and all the feedback that they received was really helpful in making changes and going forward.

But another question arises now, Do people really feel a need to fulfill their obligations of attending an appointment, especially now that a bot is placing an order on their behalf?