
Friday 1 November 2019

Can Your Data Warehousing Platform Keep Up With Your ERP Suite?

Modern enterprise resource planning suites are getting better and better at interoperability with your other logistics and planning platforms in individual departments, but it takes more than a great ERP package to make everything work together. When it comes to your total company-wide integration of resources and logistical planning, you need to be sure your data warehousing tools and techniques are prepared to both keep up with and serve information to your ERP. Without that, you wind up with a data lake but no practical way to make use of the information to get the tactical advantages you count on from advanced resource planning.

The Future Is Software Cooperation

If you haven't seen the term interoperability before, that's okay. It's not a new concept, but it is new to the mainstream discussions about management and financial planning. The term is quite common in training and development circles as well as the healthcare information field, but it means the same thing here: It means the piece of software in question works well with other applications, allowing them to share information. The result is an integrated oversight experience that serves the right data upward for the bigger-picture planners. While there are a lot of archival and data warehousing platforms out there, they traditionally have not had to work with the kind of analysis ERP platforms can make use of, so their data serving operations aren't optimized. By looking for a platform designed to integrate widely with industry-standard utilities and apps, you gain the advantage that comes from increased interoperability. This lets you do more with your information, exporting it to the right tool before serving it back into the decision-making tree for implementation.

Invest in a Platform With Staying Power

The days of rapid obsolescence are drawing to a close in the tech industry. Today, companies are looking to invest in evolving services that will continue to meet their needs over months and years. That's why software as a service is so popular, and it's not hard to see why it's attractive, given the cost of technological investments. It requires a different kind of planning from that used by many medium and large-sized companies over the last few decades, though.

If you're looking to make a move that will empower your ERP and that also sets you up to evolve into a future with higher and higher levels of technological integration, it's time to start looking at what you can do with your data warehousing, which analytics tools you pair with it, and how that information is served back into your workflow. The more interoperability you have between components, the easier upgrades get as your company evolves.

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