Showing posts with label Apps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apps. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Google Wants You to Experiment With Its New Photo Apps

Google launches three Photo Apps to take photographs

As part of its new 'experimental' program, the technological giant has launched the applications that is one of the best photo apps. Storyboard, Selfissimo! and Scrubbies.

Google does not want to limit photography to the capacity of mobile cameras. As an introduction to its "appsperimental" program - one of the best photo apps, it has launched three photographic applications: Storyboard (only for Android), Selfissimo! (for iOS and Android) and Scrubbies (only for iOS).

These photo apps have been developed in the laboratories of Google. That's why the company asks all users if they try the applications, take a minute to evaluate them and write a comment with their opinion and with ideas for new photo apps.

The first application is Storyboard, available for Android. This app creates comic pages with the frames of a video. It works as follows: the user records a short video and uploads it to Storyboard. The application automatically chooses some frames.

Then he places the images in a way that looks like a comic and applies a filter. If you like the result you can save it on the reel, and if you do not like it you can create a new comic page from the same video. According to Google, with each video there are more than a trillion possibilities.

This is the first trial of a new way to test more experimental functions to see how users respond, the company explained in a post on its Google Research blog. The "appsperimental" program - one of the best photo apps is inspired by the Motion Stills app, whose video stabilization system allows converting short videos into cinemagraphs (moving pictures), time lapses or GIFs. The photo apps involve various technologies that Google is developing:

They are based on object recognition, people segmentation, stylization algorithms, efficient image coding and decoding technologies and, perhaps most importantly, fun!

Many of the functions of these photo apps are the newest features that manufacturers include in the camera of mobile phones. The technological giant is asking for feedback and ideas from people, so we can expect to see the most popular photo apps adapted to other types of applications. This will also help Google develop an AI capable of working on virtually all facets of photography, not just in areas such as image quality and portrait effects.

Storyboard takes video clips and automatically takes out six frames, which you set in a comic style template. The app can be updated to obtain new designs and frames. Google states that there are more than 1.6 billion combinations.

On the other hand, Selfissimo! It's like a black and white photo booth. When you touch the screen to start a session, take a photo each time you pose. The idea is that you make different poses and that the app takes your photo every time you stop moving. Finally, Scrubbies allows you to remix DJ-style videos, creating video loops when passing and fast rewinding through a clip.

Friday, June 23, 2017

How to Create the Perfect App

App Streamlining Path to App Success

A lot of individuals would prefer pricing their app at the 99 cent price point and by default, it could not essentially be the best price for your app. But 99 cents could be a good offer for a game which kids tend to buy since it seems easy for them to convince their parents to spend some money on a game. However when it comes to an utility apps, there seems a sense that one would get what you pay for and hence people could really opt for a higher priced app in the same group.

Some may prefer to charge a million dollar from a user though no one would purchase it. However one needs to be realistic while not underestimating one’s services. An individual could experiment with their price and find a price where some seem to purchase your app at a fast speed. Several of the app makers tend to find the price to be about $4.

 App monetization assistance is provided to individuals by online service provider. The app had been developed in order to assist streamlining the path to app success and is expecting that with the help of videos they would be successful in directing the user step by step to their app career.

Various App Styles – Develop & Monetize

Guidance is provided in imparting knowledge on how to build an app from scratch, how to create an app from a template and how one could distribute your app. Moreover there are also videos which could explain the marketing techniques together with videos that provide full explanation.

At times reading on how to develop and market an Android app could be puzzling and daunting and essential information has been made available by the provider for every app making need though there could be requirement of further assistance and it is here that the provider offers the necessary guidance.

A short one minute video tutorials has been created which tends to portray how one could create an app from scratch, giving the user ideas for content, guiding them on how to make money from their app. They have also permitted the complete collection of app templates to be monetized which gives the user more than 50 various app styles that one could develop and monetize.

Style of Affiliate Ads

For creating apps one could log in and opt for the template style. Then you could insert your content either the URL of your company, your brand icon, family video, or any content which one may have developed and within a few clicks it is accomplished.

To monetize the app, one needs to insert the code of your ad publisher in your dashboard within the monetization tab. The best way to monetize your app in a passive way is the banner ads. The way it tends to work means that a person at any point of time is using your app and with the banners displayed, you tend to get revenue though the amount earned is not known since it is based on several factors.

This could comprise the style of affiliate ads one may have chosen, the number of times people may tend to view the banners and the time which is spent on your app.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Google Takes Aim At Update Its Duo Videoconferecing App in Battle with Skype, Messenger and Facetime

Google’s New Video-Calling App – Duo

A new video-calling app known as Duo had been launched by Google as a challenge to Skype and Apple’s Facetime. It tends to work using your mobile phone just like WhatsApp, once the app has been downloaded and logged utilising a Google account. The user can instantly video call any person from their contacts who also tend to have the app.

Though the main focus of Google is on ease, it does have duo features with a provision of differentiating it from its opponents. For instance a feature known as `Knock Knock’, enables the user to see live video of your caller before answering, providing you with a sense of what they could be up to and why they would prefer a chat.

 According to Google this makes video calls seem like an invitation rather than an interruption. Another benefit of the feature is the capability of switching between Wi-Fi and cellular data mechanically without dropping the call. This way you could start your call at home and continue effortlessly while heading out.

The benefit of Duo over FaceTime is that it tends to work on Android as well as iOS while FaceTime only operates on Apple devices. It has also been considered to be simpler than Skype enabling users to start a video call with only a tap.

Cope with Slower Networks

Justin Uberti, principal software engineer at Google had mentioned in a blog post that video calling is the next best thing to being with someone in person but too often it could be a frustrating or complicated experience.

One should not have to worry about whether your call will get connected or if your friend has been using the same kind of device similar to the one you could be using and this could be the reason why almost half of them never tend to made video calls on mobile.

Google has also built Duo to work to cope with slower networks in the background, like a 2G together with end-to-end encryption for the purpose of security. Google had mentioned that it would be offering an audio-only option on its Duo video calls service in order to assist users in communicating utilising poor quality connection and would be adding a feature to allow file sharing in group chats on its Allo messaging app.

In August, the company had launched Google due offering video calls for Android and iOS users, opposing it against Apple’s FaceTime, Microsoft Corp’s video calling app – Skype and Messenger of Facebook Inc.

Google Maps

Google Vice President for Product Management, Mario Queiroz had mentioned in a blog post after he had announced the moves at a Google conference in Sao Paulo that the audio-only calls would be working well on all connections speed and would be data efficient. In reply to responses from users in countries like Brazil,

Google had informed that Android users all over would be in a position of sharing documents as well as other files with friends on Allo in group chats. Moreover he also mentioned that they would have two new features for Google Photos on Android and iOS in order to make backup and sharing much easier on low connectivity.

When strong Wi-Fi connection tends to be available backed up photos would be replaced with high-quality version. Google has also mentioned that it would be adding new location sharing feature in Google Maps to enable users in letting friends and family to be aware of their whereabouts and when they would arrive at their destination. Queiroz had also mentioned that users could stop sharing that information whenever they desire to do so.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Facebook Tunes Into Television’s Market

REUTERS/Dado Ruvic
Facebook started as an advertisement free social media platform and it stayed true to this thought for a relatively longer but very soon the reality caught up with them. Currently Facebook earns millions of dollars each day through a very carefully installed ad network on its social media platform. Facebook ambitions are growing by leaps and bounds as it looks forward to enlarge its ad revenue in upcoming future. As per the report published in The Wall Street Journal Facebook is set on building a TV app which will work with the set-top boxes just like Apple TV.

Advantages of developing TV app

This particular TV app will help Facebook in encouraging the users in watching longer videos which has been eventual goal of the company. Facebook has plans to start testing of themed-roll ads which will play right in the middle of the videos present on its network. In similar fashion these kinds of ads will appear in the TV app as well over the time. Facebook has not made any official confirmation of going into the TV network with an app or bringing its own advertisement in such a manner for now.

Facebook plans to bring longer videos in the News Feed

So far Facebook has ensured that the users on its platform are not bothered with the longer videos on their News Feed but very soon this will be thing of past. Facebook will start prioritizing the longer videos right in the News Feed to generate more ad revenue. In order to bring longer videos it will first weigh on the percent completion or how much video is watch was user before they go away. In this manner the longer videos which are able to keep users engaged for large amount of time will find its way in the News Feed.

Facebook is actively making a series of tweaks in the News Feed algorithm which will help advertisers, content developers and publishers to push their content in the News Feed. Facebook is effectively trying to understand the user’s behavior or community as whole to bring more engaging content on the platform rather than indulging in penalizing the longer videos.

Why Facebook is developing a TV app? 

Facebook is expected to establish itself as YouTube video streaming platform wherein it has plans to first populate the platform with large videos then encourage content developers in delivering quality content on regular basis. It has been reported that Facebook has been in talks with a number of media companies to develop as well license a number of long form or TV style content which will range from scripted shows to entertainment as well as sports videos.

In simple words this app will establish Facebook as a serious leader in the streaming market wherein it will be able to distribute its new content along with the TV style advertisements in future. Facebook will certainly go ahead with its plans of asking higher price from the content developers, advertisers and other in future for displaying ads on the users news feeds.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Google is Killing Its Experimental Hands Free Payment App

Hands Free
From March of last year, Google has been testing a new payment method that enables customers to pay for goods with their smartphones without touching it! This new innovation was aptly named Hands Free.

Google’s pilot app Hands Free was currently in its early stages of testing limited to only a handful of businesses in the San Francisco Bay Area.

What is Hands Free?

Hands Free is an app developed by Google that lets you check-out in stores without actually using your wallet or phone. This app was available to download for free on for android systems on Play Store and for iOS on Apple Store.

How does it work? 

Hands Free uses Bluetooth, Wifi and location services to detect whether you are near a participating store. When you have bought the things you want and are ready to check-out, all you need to do is tell the cashier “I’ll pay with Google”. The hands free profile will contain your photo identity and signature using which the cashier will then confirm your identity. The cashier will charge you only when Hands Free detects your Phone is near the store. Thus there is no need for you to take out your phone or even launch the app!

Why is it being Shut Down?

Google’s innovative experiment got its life cut down short by the latest announcement of it being shut down on 8th of February this year by Google itself. Official statement released by Google states that from the first launching of the pilot program, they were able to collect and learn a lot about the possible effects of the app from its adopters. This information along with numerous positive feedbacks would be used to develop a better version of hands Free that would be available to a larger number of people and stores. To focus their efforts on the new Hand’s Free, the current pilot version is being shut down.

With that being said, there is no definite time as to when the improved Hands Free would be out so similar alternatives like “Android pay” which offers easy and quick check-outs can be used. All the user information like pictures and signatures uploaded would be deleted to uphold the privacy of the users. To keep in touch with the development and news related to Hands Free, you can provide your email to get updates.

The verdict

Will Google give a brand new direction to the way people shop? The answer to that can be found when Hands Free is released yet again but this time with the full version. The promising results from the pilot experiment certainly yielded some beneficial results and it can be speculated that if Google decides to fully commit their efforts on delivering on the finished Hands Free app, it will be hugely popular. After all Google did promise to bring best of Hands Free technology to a wider audience base. As of now Hands Free has been shut down.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Google Allo Smart Messaging Apps


Google’s Allo - Chat App

Google’s Allo, a chat app having built-in personal assistant is intended to be your virtual best friend. The search giant had unveiled plans for two new communications apps in Duo and All at the Google I/O developer conference in May. Duo is said to be an unsophisticated video chat app that had been launched in August while recently, Google brought out the awareness of the far more aspiring Allo.

 Similar to Duo, one would not require a Gmail account for using Allo but you could just download the Allo app, inform it of your mobile number and edit the confirmation code send through SMS. The app is available only for Android and iOS smartphones and similar to Duo, Google does not provide a desktop client. Allo is said to be a standalone app and does not assimilate with the SMS app of the phone.

The notifications tends to appear on the lock screen just the way other communications app, as well as the phone seems to chirp up with a spoken `Allo’ which some may find it quite frustrating. Hopefully, Google will be adding the choice of changing it to a simple beep or ping for those who do not prefer their pocket to strike up a conversation when they tend to be out.

Alter the Size of Text

Allo, at first glance tends to put in just like another effort from the part of Google in attempting the congested messaging space and hurdle on the emoji/stickers lobby. However it is worth the effort to dig a little deeper. The cute chat choices of Google Allo seem to be quite disciplined when compared to the iMessage overhaul with iOS 10 of Apple.

Google has made emojis and downloadable sticker packs available for the user and one can send also send their own images and videos, with the possibility of drawing on your images. Moreover, you could also alter the size of the text in the message from a murmur to a shout, by dragging the send button up and down. It is said that a loud shot also tends to activate that chirpy `Allo’ notification even if the app seems to be open.

Incognito Chat

Allo also tends to copy the Smart Reply feature from the Inbox app of Google which is like auto-correct, providing the user to short list suitable canned responses and can also evaluate images in making suggestion, distinguishing objects and landmarks. Besides this it also gets to know the way one tends to talk so it sounds more like you over a period of time.

 The messages in the chat window displays a tick to a message indicating that it has been delivered and then adds another tick confirming that it has been read. Smart Replies on the contrary are useful when one seems to be in a hurry though the person at the other end is unable to distinguish between Smart Replies and real replies which are prone to exploitation.

Another feature of Allo is the incognito chat’ for those moments when one prefers to have more secure conversation which utilises end-to-end encryption together with nondescript lock screen notification that says `You have a new message’ without providing details of the sender or message. Besides this you could also set the message to be deleted automatically anytime between five seconds to seven days

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Facebook Launches Lifestage App for School Teens


With a purpose in mind of targeting high-school goers, Facebook, the social media giant has launched a new iOS app known as Lifestage which requests the user to fill in their biographical details which is then turned into a virtual profile video and is shared immediately with their school networks.

Lifestage which is a standalone iOS app for individual under 21, requests users for their happy face, sad face, likes, dislike, best friends, best book and much more. The users however, instead of filling the biography test with script tend to shoot videos, which later on Lifestage tends to turn into video profile where others in their school network can view.

The app enables users to find video profiles that have been generated by other users in their school enabling them to know more about their classmates, their shared interests and much more, as conveyed by Facebook in a recent blog post. The post also mentioned that each time someone tends to update their page; it would show up in a feed prompting the others to check on it. Since all the posts are public, there is no choice of restricting viewing the same. The purpose, according to its inventor, was to connect members of the same school.

Privacy – A Matter of Concern

An expert had informed BBC that the lack of privacy was a matter of concern. School members could view each other’s profiles once the individual school had reached a registration of 20 members and above. Users above the age of 21 were only capable of viewing their own profiles according to the Tech Crunch website. But the app has cautioned that it cannot guarantee if all its users seem to be sincere. It states that they cannot confirm that people who tend to claim to go to a certain school really go to that school and all videos uploaded to your profile tend to be fully public content.

There is no messaging functionality forLifestage, though users could display their contact details from the other sites like Snapchat and Instagram. Presently on the iTunes store, the app has a 2.5 star rating with comments which describe it as `kinda sorta creepy’ and `confusing’. Around 8% of Facebooks’ US users seem to be between the ages of 13 to 19, according to the statistics website Statista which had been designed by a 19 year old, Facebook product manager, Michael Sayman.

Being Open Could Get in the Way of Getting Connected 

He had mentioned in a Facebook post that the app had been based on the original social network of early days. Way back in 2004, Facebook had been about `who I am’ where his relationship status could be posted and share about his favourite music. It was a way of expressing himself. Presently since Facebook has progressed so much more, there are chances of exploring that concept of `who I am’ once again, though for Generation Z in 2016. Dr Bernie Hogan from Oxford Internet Institute had informed BBC that the absence of privacy settings could tend to be unpopular.

He commented that the `lack of privacy settings on the app in its present condition is symbolic of Facebook ideology which is to stay open and connected as much as possible’.He further added that from their point of view it is a great idea though at times being open could get in the way of getting connected. This is already a known fact, since people tend to be reluctant in sharing things online if they have to share it with all. It also seems that they are attempting in pushing the boundaries of what is thought to be appropriate to share online and then walk back when faced with public criticism.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Samsung App Helps Premature Babies Hear Their Mothers

Samsung App

Samsung’s App – Voices of Life

Babies when they are born premature, do not get to spend much time in the womb, developing as they should which means that when they are born there are risks and dangers to their development. One of the ways to deal with that is for the baby to hear the voice of their mother.

Research has found that when this is done, it helps their brain to develop properly, but when they are placed in an incubator, it is hard to do the same. Hence Samsung has come up with the app which would be helpful for the premature baby.According to Engadget reports, Samsung has been working on an app which has the potential of sending recordings straight from parents to premature babies still in the hospitals.

Samsung has been working a new way of connecting parents and the preemies through the healing power of sound. The app known as `Voices of Life’ enables parents to record stories and lullabies and then gets rid of any high-frequency sounds, not present in the womb, which would tend to be uncomfortable for the baby to hear. It is then sent to the incubator at NICU. This has shown to be helpful for parents to bond with babies as well as enables babies in receiving the maternal sounds they need for healthy brain development.

Exposure to Mother’s Voice/Heartbeat Helpful in Brain Development

Samsung had released a video regarding the app portraying a small speaker set within the incubator of the baby apparently linked to the app. Samsung has been pushing the notion of replicating a womb and tends to describe how a mother could utilise Voices of Life though it seems likely that the fathers could also be capable of using it. It is not known about the level of completion of the app or when it could be publicly made available.

A baby tends to hear sounds in utero around twenty four weeks, though for the 15 million premature babies that are born each year, the nurturing sound of the womb seems to be lost. According to research, the exposure to a mother’s voice and the heartbeat could help in the brain development and growth of the premature baby. Launching People, a global campaign by Samsung Electronics Co., has designed to help clients to set free their capabilities in creating meaningful change through the use of Samsung technology and introduced this pilot program.

Recordings Sent Wirelessly to Speaker in Incubator

The app utilises the heart-rate sensor of the smartphone to record the heartbeat of the mother or it could utilise the phone’s microphone to record sounds, stories and lullabies, with the choice of collection recordings together with playlists eliminating certain higher frequencies which could be uncomfortable for the babies. The recordings are then sent wirelessly to a speaker set inside the incubator.

Samsung is not the first company in developing an app in helping parents of premature babies. The Premature Baby Journal helps in keeping track of a baby medical progress in a log book, while the MyPreemie app tends to provide a simple pocket guide for some of the major questions which expectant mothers may tend to have. Presently, Voices of Life does not have a public release date.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Facebook Developing Camera App Similar to Snapchat


Facebook to come up with Stand-Alone Camera App

According to online source report, quoting people familiar with the matter, Facebook is coming up with a stand-alone camera app which will be like the disappearing photo app Snapchat, to upsurge user engagement and will encourage its 1.6 billion users to create and share photos and videos.The app which is being developed by the friend-sharing team of Facebook in London is said to be in its initial stage and may not come to completion, as per the report.

 Moreover, the newspaper has reported that the company is also said to be scheduling a feature which would enable user to record video through the app to start live streaming. The same had caused apprehension within Facebook, over increasingly passive behaviour on the social network of the user. Several of the users tend to check Facebook often or multiple times a day though few tend to share photos, video and update of status regarding their own lives.

Withdrawing the trend seems to be a growing priority within the company. Facebook spokeswoman had refrained from commenting on the product plans. She had mentioned that the overall level of sharing on Facebook had been strong and alike to levels in prior years. People familiar with the matter had stated that the camera-first format is focused in motivating users to create photos and videos.

Open to Personalized Feed/Articles

The flagship mobile app, in comparison, tends to open to a personalized feed or articles, status, updates and ads, which encourages users to use content, though not necessarily create it. The approach also tends to differ from Instagram image-sharing network of Facebook that had gained reputation as a place to post the best, most well-photographed pictures.

 Instagram tends to compel users to go through numerous steps before posting an image, inclusive of filters and it is not the first time that Facebook has built an app encouraging sharing. It had launched Slingshot, in June 2014, a Snapchat like app which enabled users to trade photos and videos, which disappeared after 24 hours.

It had earlier launched a photo-editing as well as sharing app known as Camera and none gained much traction among users which was later on dropped. The latest app would have a bit different features like the live-streaming mode. In the past year, the decline in sharing on Facebook has developed as a problem.

New Feature - `On This Day’

Technology news website – The Information had reported earlier this month that the original broadcast sharing on Facebook had dropped by 21% as of mid-2015 when compared with the earlier year.During the first quarter of 2016, 33% of Facebook users surveyed by market researcher GlobalWebIndex had informed that they had updated their profile status in the past month and 37% stated that they had uploaded or shared their own photos.

A year back, 44% had informed that they had updated their profile status in the past month and 46% stated that they had uploaded or shared their photos. The camera app just seems to be one way that Facebook intends tackling the issue.

 Facebook has also tried to re-engage users with a new feature known as `On This Day’ that permits users relive and share past posts. According to GlobalWebIndes, this together with similar features could have prompted more users to `like’ Facebook post. It also said that that in the first quarter of 2016, 82% of Facebook users had clicked `like’ at least once in the previous month up from 73% at the same period, a year earlier.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Thousands of Apps Running Baidu Code Collect, Leak Personal Data


Apps by Chinese Internet Giant, Baidu Leaks Personal data

According to researchers, apps running code that have been built by Chinese Internet giant Baidu, have collected as well as transmitted user’s personal details to the company most of which is easily captured. The apps seem to be downloaded hundreds of time. Researchers at Canada-based Citizen Lab have informed that they had discovered the issue in an android software development kit created by Baidu.

These tend to affect Baidu’s mobile browser and the apps developed by Baidu together with other firms utilising the same kit. They informed that Baidu’s Windows browser had also been affected. The researchers also highlighted identical problems with unsecured personal details in Alibaba’s UC Browser which is another browser that is extensively used in the world’s largest Internet market.

Alibaba had fixed those susceptibilities and Baidu had informed Reuter that it would fix the encryption holes in its kits, though would still collect data for commercial use and some of which it stated was shared with third parties. The Chinese Internet giant said that it only offers what data seems to be lawfully requested by duly constituted law enforcement agencies.

Interest in Data, only Commercial

Jeffrey Knockel, chief researcher at Citizen Lab had informed Reuters ahead of publication of the research recently that the unencrypted details which tend to be collected comprise of the user’s location, website visits, and search terms.

The issue emphasizes on how difficult it is for users to be aware of what data their phone collects and transmits and the risk that personal data could escape due to poor or no encryption. Moreover it also highlights how several different groups could be interested in retrieving such type of data. Ron Deibert director of Citizen Lab had commented that it is either shoddy design or its surveillance by design.

Citizen Lab has stated that Baidu which tends to report quarterly earnings in New York had recently fixed some of the issue since it brought them to the attention of the company in November. However, the Android browser still seems to send sensitive data like the device ID in an easy decryptable format. Baidu had informed Reuters that its interest in the data was only commercial though refrained to comment on who else would access.

Privacy Issues & Data Security – Underlined in US

Privacy issues and data security have been underlined in the United States wherein Apple is in a deadlock with the Federal Bureau of Investigation over requests to unlock an iPhone owned by one who had been on a shooting charge in San Bernardino, California in December.

Citizen Lab had mentioned that its research last year, in Alibaba’s UC Browsers had been prompted by documents from National Security Agency whistle-blower Edward Snowden portraying Western intelligence agencies had used holes in the browser to spy on the users. Alibaba had informed that there had been no evidence that the data of the user was taken though it had showed concern and had asked users to update their browsers.

They stated that there was no possibility of accessing how many users had been affected by the Baidu issue, in China and beyond. Some of the software developers in China state that lack of encryption is common and partly owing to quick growth together with poor security awareness. Andy Tian, CEO of Beijing-based app developer Asia Innovations had said `that it is really painful but it’s a growing pain’.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

You Can Now Use Android Apps without Downloading Them


Google – Use Apps without Download

Google is experimenting with tech that enables you to use apps without downloading them. It was Google’s plan of keeping its crown with regards to mobile search. Earlier searching for the Web would be sitting in front of a desktop computer and editing words in the search box at

But now, with the enhancement in technology, individual open a smartphones app, instead of going to Google. However Google intends to change it and the Mountain View, California, company desires to extend its search dominance to smartphones by offering an option of using apps without the need of downloading them to your phone.

Should a user search for a product for instance hotel room by utilising Google’s app on a smartphone powered by the company’s Android software, it displays the search results from across the web as usual. However there would also be some details from apps like Hotel Tonight, the San Francisco-based app for booking last minute rooms. If the button is tapped, Google displays the app and the user could book a room, even though the same is not installed on their phone.

Streaming Video to Phone via Internet

For those who have been waiting for a long length of time between tapping `install’ and then able to open an app on the phone, it seems thrilling. The trick is that the company has been streaming a video to your phone via the Internet while the apps run in a computer several miles away.Presently Google is only capable of doing that with nine apps namely Hotel Tonight, Daily Horoscope, My Horoscope, New York Subway, Weather, Visual Anatomy Free, Useful Knots, restaurant finder Gormey and national parks guide Chimani. Lead engineer for Google’s mobile search and app indexing team, Rajan Patel commented that they feel like it is their role to ensure they have answers, in mobile often which are in apps.

This move for consumers would mean cutting out time and the trouble it involves in downloading an app and then installing it on the phone. One could utilise an app without the need of it occupying space on the device.For Google it could be revolution of making mobile app less applicable, keeping the search giant at the top for smartphone users. Though Google’s desktop search engine seems to be the most successful in the world, it is not as unattainable on Smartphones.

Deep Linking Technology

However, this is not the only option Google is making attempts in trying to enhance mobilesearch. Google, in April had altered the way of organizing all websites, ranking those which show better on smartphones and the company had been working in making information from within the apps much more searchable on Google. This technology is known as deep linking.

The company had also informed that it has now over 100 billion links to information from apps. Due to the technology which it had acquired last year from a start-up known as Agawi, Google also has the capability of streaming these apps. Google is not actually giving access to the app, technically.

According to a spokeswoman, it seems like one is in the program, though the company is in fact streaming you a high-resolution video which can be tapped and scrolled just as a normal app. The difference between an installed app and the Google version is that a banner runs through the bottom of the screen which says `App streamed by Google.

Google has mentioned that the new app feature would ultimately come to Apple’s iPhones though has refrained to say when it would come up.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Exploride - Turn Your Car into a Smart Car


Exploride – Cutting Edge Display/Gesture Recognition Technology

Exploride, a combination of cutting edge display with gesture recognition technology offers hands free access to maps, text, calls, notifications, music as well as on-board analytic of a car. With this, one can get a safe, smart and connecting driving experience.

Exploride is a heads-up display one could use in any car, similar to a heads-up display which tends to come preinstalled, it provides access to maps, music and much more without the need of taking your focus off the road. It also tends to feature gesture controls that are much safe rather than reaching over to press the screen.

The maps are powered by Google Maps and users can stream music through Pandora and Spotify. However it tends to have its own app which enables the user to access files from the cloud and a dash cam to record anyone trying to key the car.

Moreover it also provides diagnostic such as engine health, fuel status and much more doubling as 4G hotspot enabling passengers to get online with the use of Wi-Fi. Its 6 inch display is transparent and does not seem to be too distracting. One could swipe up, down, left and right in order to control it or could speak and use voice controls.

Pairs with Phone & Car

Inside one will find a quad core processor 2GB RAM together with Bluetooth 4.0 LE and also a 12v multi-USB adaptor with high output speakers. Exploride is a dash mounted head display which tends to pair with the phone and car, delivering a great amount of information and functions through a translucent screen which does not block the field of vision.

Besides this, the Exploride does much more than just display driving directions streamed from the phone. Though it can pair with the phone it tends to rely on its own 4G LTE connectivity for things such as Spotify, Pandora, Google Maps as well as car accessible cloud storage.

It also comes with Bluetooth capable OBD adaptor which tends to plug directly in your car that enables the Exploride to display diagnostic data, fuel consumption, tire pressure etc., wherein the specification may tend to differ based on the car’s computer potential of reporting.

Supports Gesture Based Controls

Besides all this the Exploride also supports gesture based controls for answering calls and skipping tracks and also has a 3 megapixel dash cam to capture sky-streaking meteors and other proceedings. One can get a SIM card and service from any GSM carrier, as the Exploride will ship unlocked and on selecting one, the gadget could serve as a W-Fi hotspot for all in the car.

 Moreover it can also tap your phone’s data plan, if desired. With regards to storage, it has an 8GB, adequate for 4.4 hours of 720p dash cam footage. The Exploride companion app is said to be available for Android and iOS.

Within five days into its crowdfunding campaign, Exploride has already crossed its $100,000 funding target. Sponsors can avail the featured perk comprising of a full kit – Exploride, OBD adaptor, charger and 5GB of storage for a year, for $269 with $20 shipping or $30 if the user is outside the US. The estimated delivery is said to be in January 2016.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

These 7 Apps are among the Worst at Protecting Privacy


Free/Paid Apps Accompanied with Hidden Cost

While browsing through the various apps which are made available from Apple and Android app stores, one will observe that around 98% of them tend to be free for download. However, several of the various free apps together with the paid ones tend to be accompanied with hidden cost which is your privacy. When apps are installed on the gadget the user is prompted with permission to access certain information or phone features. At time they need this information and at other times it does not seem to be essential.

Messaging app for instance requires permission for accessing contacts and Wi-Fi connection to do its task. But a Flashlight app does not need to know the location or have total internet access. Often users tend to hit `accept’ to install apps without checking what they do.

Apple devices enables apps to approve or deny permission individually wherein one can go to Settings – Privacy and open a feature such as Camera to view and control which apps have permission to access it. Another option is to go to Settings and scroll towards the bottom and tap on a particular app to see and control its permission.

PrivacyGrade – Popular Android Apps

Carnegie Mellon University had a few years back, set up a site known as PrivacyGrade which analyses popular Android apps to check what permissions they ask and how they utilised the information with a grade from A to D for each of them. With the scoring system, the score of PrivacyGrade tends to change over a period of time. At times the app which used to be on the `D’ list would get a `B’ or even an `A’. That is because; at times the app pulled its permission though at other times it decided to be more open on what it tends to do with the information.

The following are the seven popular apps which PrivacyGrade a low score -

1. Draw Something Free – D

This app enables the user to play a version of remote Pictionary with their friends which is enjoyable. However, it comprises of several advertisers libraries and utilises the `Read phone status and identity status’ permission to allow advertisers your call log, phone number, signal information, carrier and much more.

2. Words with Friends - D

This well-known app is similar to a fast game of Scrabble and is good for brushing up on vocabulary. But it is from the same developer as `Draw Something’ and is not surprising that it has the same privacy, though it goes a little further with the `Precise location’ permission. Since it does not use the location for the game, it does tend to use it to indicate to you location based ads.

3. GO Locker – D

The app tends to act as a screen lock for the phone, promising to be more secure and smarter than the built-in screen lock on the device. It means that it needs to know a lot about the phone and needs all permission available right from location to reading the text messages. Though it does not have advertising libraries installed, it could send data to advertisers utilising its own first party codes. It does not link up to send information to app stores other than Google Play which could be dangerous since app stores besides Google have malicious app. These could get hold of information from your phone.

4. GO Weather Forecast & Widgets - D

This app from the same company which brought GO Locker, provides the weather and forecast, but like GO Locker, it tends to utilise plenty of its permission to direct data to app markets besides Google Play. After some bit of checking, it seems that each GO app inclusive of GO Battery as well as GO SMS Pro, seem to have the same design and should be avoided.

5. Camera360 Ultimate – D

The default camera app of Android is serviceable, but not fanciful. The Camera360 Ultimate has the potentials to add more camera modes, with filters, free cloud storage, real-time `touch-ups’ facial recognition and much more without ads.

6. Angry Birds - C

Angry Birds was the first modern `virus-related’ mobile game with over 2 billion downloads since 2009 and most of its sequels as well as by-products do not fare well with privacy. Several of them include targeted ad libraries which tend to grab the identify information of the phone including call logs, carrier, device ID and number, etc. Beyond the score of PrivacyGrade, Angry Birds also has the difference of being one of the apps which NSA and British GCHQ had targeted to get hold of user information from smartphones. The improved version of Angry Birds is not vulnerable and they have scored a higher `B’.

7. My Talking Tom - D

This app is a little game where one can adopt and take care of a kitten but its privacy settings are not so lovable. It comprises of an eight targeted ad libraries besides the phone’s identifying information which is sent to the advertisers audio from the microphone.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Ransomware: Porn App Took Secret Photos of Users

In a recent attack on the smartphone users by a highly luring adult player reveals the emergence of the ransomware in the smartphone segment. A US security firm called Zscaler had brought into focus a malicious Android based mobile application which brings ransomware to people’s devices without their knowledge.

This app was mainly an adult player which offered pornography but it secretly worked on taking pictures of the users through the popular front facing camera used for taking selfies. Later on this app stats locking the user’s devices and demands a ransom of $500 in order to unlock the device with a consistent message on the screen.

What are ransomware and how does it affect smartphone users? 

Ransomware are such apps which lock down the phones and demands money from the users in order to get back the control of the device. It even threatens them to release their private information, data and others or simply wipes out a device. Last month Intel Security has released a report which showed a significant increase in ransomeware attacks by 125% since 2014 targeting the computers and laptops.

Intel security chief had stated that ransomware are quite easy to make which can easily be made by a group of codes and offers great returns. Ransomware apps had seen a steep rise in the recent past due to its easiness of creation and opportunity of creating a large amount of money within a quick time interval. Ransomware apps basically rely on the embarrassment factor which can happen due to releasing of private information and data in the public sphere. Most of the time people’s reputation is at stake hence people resort to pay to the ransomware attackers in order to retrieve the control of their device.

How smartphone users can safeguard themselves from such ransomware? 

Ransomware isn’t new but it has been most on the computers and PC’s for the first time it is showing a potential threat to the smartphone segment which is a worrying factor. Applying certain common sense and following basic principles while using smartphone one can lower the potential being a victim of ransomware.

Some of the ransomware threatens to wipe out the device data which usually includes documents, photos and videos. In order to avoid any loss of data smartphone should back up their data in a regular fashion. In case any user becomes a victim of such ransomware then he can easily allow it delete the data without making the necessary ransom charges.

Always download apps from trusted app stores 

Apps should only be downloaded from the trusted app stores like Google Play Store which has higher level of security measures to remove any kind of ransomware from listing on its app store. Smartphone users should never download apps from the download link given in the mails.

Furthermore if you are a victim of current adult player ransomware then simply reboot your device in the safe mode and it will allow you to remove the third party malicious software easily. However this feature and method varies greatly from one handset manufacturer to other.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Microsoft's Latest 'Garage' Project Is A Dead-Simple Email App for iPhone


Microsoft’s Garage – New Email App `Send’

Microsoft is back with another application of the Microsoft unit Garage and has now launched a new standalone email app which would presently be available only for iPhone users in Canada and the U.S. The latest app from Microsoft is a new email app known as `Send’, which has its focus in reducing the time taken to check and respond to email while on your phone.

With the Send app the idea is in making email perform just like instant messaging and do away with more formal email. The company has described this app as an `in-and-out’ email solution which emphases on simplicity and brevity and seems more like a messaging app.

 There could be instances when one would need to send a quick short note to their colleagues. Send app provides a quick messaging experience. This Microsoft Garage project is simple and fast wherein users could refer to past messages in Outlook.

Though one can use Outlook for this purpose, the latest app through the Microsoft Garage is built specifically for these brief communications. The Send feature enables to send message without the need to open the inbox or a new compose message window.

Turn Ideas Into Real World Project

Microsoft’s internal creativity enables employees and team to turn ideas into a real world project most of which have been cross-platform mobile applications. It tends to work on something which could be compared to an incubator within the company as project which tends to arise could be just perceptions trying to find options in achieving product market fit.

With the use of the app one could send a message directly to the contact, with simple conversations which is like sending a quick email to a friend or a colleague. Though tools like text messaging and IM are good for short messages, one does not often have co-workers’ cell number or an IM app on the work phone. `Send’ helps in sending quick simple text messages while it enables you to reach all co-workers and also have all your communication in Outlook.

 The Outlook team had mentioned in a blog post that `the app gives a simple quick text message like experience enabling the user to reach all co-worker with all communications in Outlook for later reference. This Microsoft Garage project is simple and fast to use and helpful in sending quick instant email messages when the need arises.

App – New Project for Mobile Platform

With the app, you can just send a message straight to the contact and keep the conversations brief. It is a good option of sending quick email to a friend or colleague without the subject headline, salutations, and signatures, necessary in the mail.

This app is the new Microsoft Garage project for mobile platforms. Send for iOS is now available for download while the Android version would be made available very soon.Microsoft has made it clear that it does not want to cannibalize its main Outlook email app with the latest and the company is said to be looking to focus on those situations when one would need to send quick messages to their co-workers.

`Send is tied deeply into Office 365 at launch, and people using an Office 365 business or school account could utilise the app. Office 365 links is used to surface the contacts emailed recently and most often. One will not see your full inbox in Send on the contrary the app will only contain conversation that one has started within it.

Microsoft has informed that with Send, with no signatures, subject line or salutation needed, their design principle was to make conversation fluid and fast for the app while keeping the people of importance to you at its core. It is all geared in short form conversation.

Meets With Organizations’ Compliance Policies

Instead of sending notes from meetings, it more on sending key facts or asking quick questions like `Where is the meeting being held?, or I’m running 10 minutes late’. Connection with Office 365 would mean that conversations are synced with Outlook enabling the user to continue the conversation from anywhere.

One can message anyone with an email address just like regular email. Only the messages that have been sent through this app will tend to be visible within Send though in Outlook all the messages will be visible from across both the services.

The need to exchange numbers, remember usernames or split conversation across platforms is not essential. Moreover one can even see when someone is typing a reply and there has not been a quicker way in reaching someone over email. Send does not show all the emails but only the ones started in the app thus keeping you in control.

Send messages meet the terms with the organization’s email compliance policies and are treated like any other work email. As for IT Pros, work is in progress in bringing more IT control to the app soon.

Send – Only for Office 365 Business & School Email Accounts

This is one of the efforts of Microsoft Garage that the company has promised and will be seen on Windows Phone and Android. Microsoft is said to be testing a new launcher app which would replace Android users’ home screens. Known as Arrow, it is a product of the company’s Garage program enabling employees work on interesting side project and release them to the world. Presently the app is in private beta and will be available only to members of private Google+ community.

Not much is being said about its existence by Microsoft and though a spokesman of the company had confirmed that the app is a Microsoft Garage project, he had refrained from sharing specific details of the same.

 Microsoft News, a blog unaffiliated with the company, tried to get its hands on a copy of the app and had published a run-down on its operation. Besides initial geographic as well as platform limitations, the Send app will be working only for Office 365 business and school email accounts. However once Microsoft tends to gather the feedback, plans are on in opening thing up in the forthcoming months. It would also be launching for Android as well as Windows Phone very soon.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Intel Brings Android Users Remote-Control Mouse, Keyboard App


Ever thought of controlling your desktop keyboard remotely by just moving fingers on your Smartphone or tablet? This might seem futuristic but Intel has launched its new a free remote keyboard and mouse app for Android users for this very purpose. Intel Remote Keyboard is up for grabs in Google Play Store which will allow the users to control remotely the mouse and keyboard in Windows 8.1 OS through their Smartphone or tablet.

Features of This Exciting Remote Keyboard App

Intel is long being trying its hand on the remote control keyboard and trackpad apps but this time it has been successful in creating a perfect app. This unique app offers portrait and landscape modes along with arrow keys. A mock touchpad offers gesture control in a simplistic manner wherein a single tap acts as left mouse click while two clicks act as right click. Just sliding figure up and down the app will perform the scrolling up and down work with seamless ease.

How Does This App Works? 

This app brings Windows and Android quite closer than ever before after Microsoft snubbed its X OS platform for Smartphones. Users are just required to pair up there with their Windows 8.1 Pc or laptop after downloading the free Intel Remote Keyboard App from Google play store on their Smartphone or tablet. Once the app is successfully paired with the laptop then user can have complete control over their laptops keyboard and perform different functions from afar.

Swift Operations and Positive Reviews

The user review for this app has found positivity and generally highly favorable response on the Google Play store. Most of the users have found it as a better alternative for turning their mobile into an awesome trackpad. This app acts as perfect remote keyboard and mouse controller for handling little operations without the need of hitting up the real keyboards. Currently the sensitivity level of the cursor is set at higher potential by default which provides quick navigational alternatives.

This app might not be way ahead of other remote control apps but it offers the simple and complex pleasures of handling the remote tasks for free. Being free it is the best app for remotely controlling a PC in the living room or even getting some praise and awe while using it during the presentation.

Intel Remote Keyboards App Aims at Solving Remote Controlling Issues

This app requires Android version 4.0 or above for perfect running. Furthermore for full functioning and perfect syncing it is necessary that both the Android Smartphone and the computer are connected via same WiFi network.

Intel has another spectacular device called Intel Compute Stick which can turn any TV or monitor into a computer. Intel has made it possible by embedding this stick with a quad-core Intel Atom processor along with two kinds of OS to choose from namely Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu. These Intel NUC devices can help people in turning any monitor or TV into a fully functioning computer without spending huge amount of money.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Smart Phones Spot Tired Drivers



Smartphone App to Warn Tired Drivers

Thousands of unavoidable road accidents take place due to driver’s tiredness when theytend to feel drowsy on long journeys which could be as dangerous as drivers with alcohol consumption. Researchers have created a smartphone app which warns drivers if they tend to appear distracted or drowsy behind the wheel, with the help of a blinking light and noise alert to help them overcome this problem.

Smartphone technology is utilised by app to imitate fancier car safety systems by identifying troublesome signs which could lead to accidents. According to TechNewsDaily website it has been reported that most of the updated phones with cameras facing front as well as back enables the app to monitor the driver’s head pose, eyes and the blinking rate in detecting possible drowsiness or distractions, while keeping track on the road ahead.

Computer scientist at Dartmouth College, Andrew Campbell has commented that the distance can be determined between cars in front and whether a driver is changing lanes on the outside while detecting drowsiness and distraction inside. 

Mounted on Dashboard Holder As Hands-Free

The Smartphone is mounted on a dashboard holder as hands-free helper for the drivers and whenever the car safety app tends to identify any dangerous patterns in the behaviour of the driver or outside conditions, it signals the driver with a blinking light and noise alert.

The app developers’ team from Dartmouth College, Autonomous National University of Mexico, and Microsoft Research Asia together with the University of Bologna in Italy had to face big challenges in making their idea a reality. Smartphones do not have the potential ofprocessing video streams from both the front and the back camera at the same time.

Campbell together with his colleagues had to create intelligent algorithms which could switch quickly between the two cameras at the time of processing the data. Quick switching solution meant that the car safety app technically has a blind spot in the front or back at any particular point of time. This problem has been fixed by utilising the smartphone’s other sensors like the accelerometers and gyroscopes in order to find out what goes on in the blind spot either inside or outside the car at any point of time.

Vision Algorithms with Minimum Computing Power

Campbell has informed the website that when the phone camera is looking at the driver, the accelerometer sensor is used to detect if the car is weaving. The sensors are used to fill in when the camera is looking at the wrong place. The vision algorithms of the app has the potential of pushing the computing limits of prevailing smartphones and also slow down the image processing from the cameras.

Hence the developers have created vision algorithms with the minimum computing power essentials as they perform tests on smartphones. The focus of the team lies in completing road testing of the application with small pool of users in November or December. Around 20 people have been enlisted with three various car models though they admit that it would not be easy to push the limits of the app without the drivers almost falling off to sleep behind the wheels. Campbell comments that unless someone is up all night, it would be difficult to predict whether they will be tired or not.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Where Are The Invisible Apps?

About a year ago, an article was published which gave a description of a new mobile app that was termed as the Invisible App at that time. This article was written by Matthew Panzarino who made a prediction that there will an increase in the number of apps that would be living in the background and be working on sensors as well as data and literally we will be able to do carry out things without even asking us.

Now, this was considered as an awesome vision at that time. The recent trends are clearly moving towards the invisible app. With the mobile phones coming with more number of sensors and components are becoming smaller in size making them faster as well as accurate. They are now having less battery usage. Today some of the latest smartphones comes with nearly 10 sensors allowing the user to detect things easily.

Today our computer has the ability to access data from worldwide but it can also understand what the user is feeling or doing at certain point of time. They can understand and detect whatever is happening around the user. Here comes the Apple Watch which indicates that the vision of Matthew was likely to come true in the coming future.

This device made use of all the sensor-intelligence expected from invisible apps but is conveniently displayed by the users on the wrist. But it has been more than 8 years and no one has heard anything about an app which can detect that the user is hungry and order out the food immediately.

Why there is a delay? 

With phones getting smarter each day with increasing number of sensors, we still cannot understand why there are no apps being built who can anticipate our requirements. The very first limitation that will be encountered by the makers of the invisible app will be the privacy factor since the app will require sensitive and personal data that needed to be treated carefully. With increasing security concerns, many users are not comfortable sharing their data with the apps.

This will become a roadblock for the makers to build any app giving required experiences. Sensors as if now have been claimed to be consuming less power but with the invisible app coming into existence, it is easy to anticipate that it will require more power to function. If the sensors are used in the background of the app, there could be considerably lower impact of the batter life. It is not easy for every developer to collection and analyse the raw data and make it into something useful and be part of the intelligence. Huge numbers of data points are required for carrying out this function.

Despite all this, we can still believe that these apps are about to come into existence. In order to get the first piece built, developers will have to cross over hurdles like infrastructure, privacy as well as technical issues. All these are moving us towards making ourselves more efficient as well as productive.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Discover Asteroids for NASA with This Free App

Now everybody will be able to help NASA by identifying new asteroids for them. Asteroid tracker desktop software has been released by the space agency today at the southwest today. This software has been released in collaboration with the Planetary Resources, which is an asteroid mining company. This conjunction happened through an online competition.

The new Asteroid Tracker Software: 

Reports suggest that this software has the ability to run on any standards PC and MAC. The software will be able to capture images from a telescope and in turn run it through an algorithm and thereby determine as to why some of the celestial bodies are on par and consistent with the asteroid behaviour.

Asteroid Data Hunter App: 

The Data Hunter app enabled with the Asteroid tracker software can be easily installed on any MAC computer or personal computer. The Online competition, which resulted in the development of the new app, was ended in December. This hunter app, however, requires the astronomers to have a little experience about the astronomy to operate it efficiently. Any original images captured from this new app can be reported out to Minor Planet Centre for further confirmation. This app can be downloaded on Topcoder.

The New Algorithm: 

The space agency claims that this new algorithm has been their biggest achievement. The agency reported that compared to the previous version, this new algorithm has the capacity to spot 15% more asteroids in the asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter. Another advantage of the algorithm is not only limited to the identification of asteroids in the space, but it can also endeavour to match these asteroids with the NEOs (near-Earth objects). Any amateur astronomer by means of this new app will be able to examine images which have been taken from the telescopes. These amateur astronomers can also send any of these images which match with the asteroid to be considered as part of the NASA database.

Benefits of the new algorithm: 

NASA seems to have been struggling with the increasing number of NEOs swirling around the earth and this new algorithm can be quite useful for handling this complicated situation. Through this efficient algorithm, the space agency will be able to track down possible asteroids which can be threatening to our Earth. Through this new app and contribution of astronomers, the agency will be able to sort out possible candidates for future missions related to asteroids.

NASA has been very much interested in locating space rocks that can be harmful to Earth from a very long time. The space agency is also hopeful of redirecting an asteroid and further placing it in moon’s orbit. This is expected to happen in the next few decades, post which the agency is hoping to send astronauts to further study this space. They are planning to carry out this process by means of Orion spacecraft as well as the space launch system. The space agency understands that there is immense mineral wealth in a single asteroid.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Microsoft's Outlook App for iOS is better than Gmail

Microsoft’s new e-mail app, which is exclusively for iOS was released at the end of January 2015 and it seems that Microsoft’s Outlook app is getting a lot of positive reviews in terms of function and look as this app supports Yahoo-Mail, Gmail, Exchange and more with inbuilt calendar syncs. It is expected that this app will be better alternative of Gmail’s official app on iOS platform.

According to anonymous users Microsoft’s Outlook app deserves hype because after installing and using this app I’ve not felt the need to use Gmail app since then. Yes, it is true that there are scopes for few improvements as Gmail and Inbox by Gmail is better in categorizing mails.

While using this app I felt that sometimes it doesn’t show most relevant contacts and to find any specific contact you might have to scroll a lot. In Microsoft’s Outlook app account setting is pretty easy. If you wish to set up multiple accounts, so you can do same in one app and as per wish you can view each inbox separately or together. This app is good enough to cover all the major e-mail service providers such as; Yahoo, Box, Exchange, Dropbox, Outlook, Exchange, iCloud, OneDrive and Gmail and with this facility you can sync your Gmail and Office mail at the same time in same app.

This app also allows you to set different swiping gestures for every e-mail as you can swipe an email from left to right. If you have subscribe for many different website or getting a lot of emails from different websites, so sometimes it becomes tedious task to hunt for important mails, but with this app you can bundle them into one particular coherent group as per the content of mail. Same as Gmail, which is good enough to categorizes emails into different tabs such as; Promotions, Primary, Updates, Group or Inbox, it has Focus inbox that has emails from your colleagues and as well as personal contacts.

The other tabs are useful to keep the record of emails from Twitter, Facebook, your bank bill, Amazon and your purchases, but the good thing is that it keep Focus tab clean and simple. Apart from basic features, you can set Mark as Read¸ None, Flag, Delete, Schedule, Move, Archive and more. The other interesting feature is that if you have gotten some annoying email, so you will get the freedom to delete it straight from the notification bar.

This new app will help you to make the good use of extensions feature in iOS8 because it let you to share the files and attachment in another supporting app. This app have automatically sync feature with your iOS and Google calendar as well, which make it’s pretty convenient to schedule meeting or events. In emails separate tab showcase all the files and attachment, but the best thing is that it will syncs with Dropbox and Google Drive as well, whereas; on slide menu on left side you can see the Birthday, Holidays in India, Contacts’ and more in the calendar as well and this feature can be pretty important and useful for users in India.