Showing posts with label Blue tooth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue tooth. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Bluetooth Problem Could Let Hackers Take Control of Your Devices

Bluetooth Problem
Blueborne, the incredible Bluetooth Issue allows hacking Android phones

More than 5 billion vulnerable Bluetooth devices, including mobile phones, laptops or IoT devices

Perhaps at the worst of times to announce a security problem like this (with the iPhone X presentation monopolizing the day), security researchers have uncovered eight major Bluetooth Issues as vulnerabilities. Three of them are especially dangerous. They would allow attacking devices like Android phones without needing to connect to them.

The Bluetooth Issue, which has been given the name BlueBorne, affect virtually every device in the world with Bluetooth, about 5.3 billion devices with vulnerabilities. Among them are laptops, connected products at home, mobile phones of all kinds with Android, iOS or Windows.

According to Armis Security, this Bluetooth Issue is considered a scenario where an attacker can intercept Android mobile information without having to connect to the computer or pair. That is, as long as the mobile has Bluetooth active, it would be in danger.

The intermediary attack, also known as Man in the Middle, does not require you to access a website or download an application or attachment from your email. The Bluetooth issue called as BlueBorne is in the libraries that integrate for the Bluetooth chip to work.

In the worst case, a hacker could access the computer, take control and execute code with bad intentions. That if, it is necessary that the attacker is really close to the victim, since Bluetooth has about 10 meters of range of action.

At home this Bluetooth Issue, the BlueBorne will not generate many problems, details of these vulnerabilities have not been made public and proximity is required. At the corporate level or even for institutions, it is not known whether anyone has used BlueBorne. In an example rather taken from a series, but plausible, a person with confidential information on his mobile could be in a cafeteria and a hacker could access his files with being close to this person.

For Android phones, Armis has published a free application that tells you if you are affected. This does not mean that they can hack your phone, but your smartphone needs an update as soon as possible.

Google will send a patch on its monthly security updates for Android 6.0 Marshmallow and Android 7.0 Nougat. Microsoft few days ago sent a security update for Windows, specifically Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. Meanwhile, Apple fixed this vulnerability in one of its latest iOS 10 updates, but all computers with iOS 9.3.5 or lower, Apple TV 7.2.2 or lower are affected.

Another perfect example of an even bigger problem with an unknown dimension. All connected products that begin to expand through our homes and that have Bluetooth Issue, are mostly unprotected. Also mobile phones that never receive updates. As long as manufacturers do not send security updates regularly and install them, even the smallest of these products is at the mercy of a large-scale attack, although this in particular requires being very close.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Finger Reader: Read bar code with your fingertips

Always with a view to give maximum independence to blind people, here's an interesting new concept. Appointed Finger Reader, this is a device designed that people with visual disabilities can go shopping with minimal assistance. Finger Reader kit consists of two parts, a device with a sensor to put on the index as well as a Bluetooth headset. Specifically, the equipment used to "read" bar codes and the device at the finger scans to find the necessary information about the product: name, description, components, prices, etc..

Friday, March 25, 2011

Galaxy S Wi-Fi, A Samsung Approach

Sam sung Hub unveiled last December by the Galaxy S Wi-Fi from Sam sung is poised to emerge in Europe. This is a variation of the Galaxy without chip GSM/3G S. In other words, the Galaxy S Wi-Fi is the equivalent of the iPod Touch.

Friday, January 28, 2011

GPS mirror as playful as it is dangerous

Should we welcome or fear the worst? Notices will certainly share with the new entrant among the mirrors tomorrow. Indeed, China vision introduced a new high-tech mirror, with more attractions than ever.