Showing posts with label LED display. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LED display. Show all posts

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Samsung Unveils “The Wall,” the World’s First Modular MicroLED 146-inch TV

The Wall
One of the products that would stop you in your tracks this time around in the CES is Samsung’s The Wall TV. This has merely nothing to do with its 146 inch size but also it’s amazing quality of images which is bound to stop anyone and draw their attention.

The Wall’s rich colors, insanely bright pictures and sharp images puts any other Television out there as a mere screen with nothing much to offer.

The Wall and its Micro Led Tech:

For some you see one Television you feel like you’ve seen them all. I mean what more can a TV offer? Well Samsung has proved that a TV can do much more with it’s “The Wall”. The Wall’s micro led feature, as Samsung like to call this new form of tech, is something that separates this TV from the rest.

Micro led or in other words self –emissive LCD is a tech where 3840 by 2160 liquid crystals all generate their own color and light. What separates the Wall from the rest is that there are no longer pixels that have to share a light emitting from an external backlight.

Ok you might say that OLED can already do this but with the Wall and micro led tech, the bright pixels and dark pixels go together without any bleed and what’s more is that the colors are even more brighter and vibrant with the micro LED tech than what any OLED TV would be able to achieve.

“Modular Design” in The Wall:

Coming to the screen itself in The Wall, is not actually a single screen but rows and rows of pixel blocks that come together in a way that can be used in screens of any size maybe even bigger than 146 inches.

Planning to buy the Wall for your Home? You might want to look at this:

One of the main concerns when looking at the wall at close range is that you would notice the seams in the pixel blocks when a darker picture is shown. While from far there is not much you can see by way of the seams, the closer and darker the picture gets you can see through the seams in the so called modular design. Brighter imagery again covers up those seams.

Another issue that comes to mind when looking at the The Wall screen is that it’s lesser than smooth finish slightly reflects light from surrounding areas.

The next issue is the price, having a screen with micro led tech and a whole other lot going on is not going to come cheap to anyone’s bank account even if you do get the wall in a smaller size.

Quality of Pictures on The Wall:

It goes without saying, but in such a huge TV with micro led tech where each pixel gives off their own color and with insanely bright imagery, the picture quality on the Wall is better than good.

In spite of its largeness the Wall affords pretty sharp imagery, it makes you wonder what it can do with 8K resolution than the 4K it comes with.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Nanorod LEDs Could Make Multifunctional Displays

Nanorod LEDs
The problem of charging phones or any battery induced devices is a major concern amongst many. Before planning to move to a distant place, the thing that bothers us the most, is whether we will get suitable setting to charge our devices, but this major issue will no longer persist with the introduction of dual-function Nanorods LEDs that can both propagate and figure out light. Mobile phones and many more devices can now be controlled and charged without having to touch or operate anything. You are just required to use the ambient light propagator.

These LEDs are made up of small Nanorods arranged in a sleek pellicola, the LEDs are capable of novice interviewing functions and several useful operators. Researchers of the Illinois University situated at Urban-Campaign and Dow Electronic Elements in Marlborough, Massachusetts, has reported this evolution.

Moonsub Shim, who works as a professor of materials science and engineering at the U. of I. said that these LEDs are the first step towards the very starting of displays that is capable of performing something entirely different, it can also display information that tend to be very effective. This can lead to the very establishment of new and trendy designs for quite a number of electronic gadgets.

The small Nanorods measures not more than 5 nanometres. They are made up of three different varieties of semiconducting materials. One is responsible for emitting and grasping penetrable light. The rest two semiconductors are responsible for controlling flow of charge through the very beginning of materials. The ratio is such that permits the Nanorods LEDs to propagate, grasp and provide answer to light.

The LEDs are capable of performing both the functions that leads to easily sliding of to and fro starting from projecting to figuring. They slide so quickly, that it is almost impossible for the mortal eyes to detect. The display tends to continue vigorously and it is even quicker than the standard rates of display. Other than emitting, sensing light signals it is also designed to answer all the signals of light in several different ways.

The display is capable of responding automatically to adjust brightness with respect to soothing light situations. You can also imagine yourself to be outside along with your tablet. The tablet will automatically detect the light signals and will adjust to it for every single pixel. When a shadow will fall on the screen then it will appear to be fading and when it will be under the sun, the light will appear brighter. This facility enables you to maintain contrast.

The researchers have developed a technique where the pixels will directly adjust it brightness as per the contrast needed. This is not the end the technology will be such that the pixels will automatically detect your finger and will culminate into a balanced display. This is a revolutionary innovation in the field of technology where dual-function Nanorods LEDs will show multiple spectrums of displays on which you can rely on.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bionic glasses at the prototype stage

The National Institute of Health Research has developed a sophisticated pair of glasses that are able to improve the vision of a person with visual impairments. The eyeglass frame embeds a digital camera on its side and an LED display in the glasses. When the user moves the eye, the camera films which is in its field of view and transmits real-time images at the screen. The images are improved based on visual impairment suffered by the user. The system also displays the augmented reality to indicate useful information to the individual, as the distance between the various obstacles, for example.