Showing posts with label NASA_Wi-Fi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NASA_Wi-Fi. Show all posts

Monday, July 27, 2015

NASA Wi-Fi Chip Reflects Wi-Fi and Save Your Smartphone Battery

In the modern world consumers usually rely on the wireless communications for various reasons. The nexus between the phones, computers and the wearable devices with the Wi-Fi devices results in the creation of a wireless network. NASA has developed a Wi-Fi, which can be used in the mobile electronics to enhance their potential in receiving signal without losing out anything at the power front.

The problems faced during this chip invention

The major challenge faced by the researchers while developing this wearable device is the reflecting of signals by other components as physical things such as walls, ceiling, floors and others. This chip has to be given the ability to distinguish between the real Wi-Fi signal and the continuous refection coming from the background.

In order to overcome these background reflections has developed a core wireless silicon chip, which can constantly sense and suppress the background reflection in a more advanced fashion. It can keep the Wi-Fi signal transmitting without any kind of interference coming from the surrounding objects.

The researchers had successfully tested this enhanced system at distances measuring up to 20 feet (6 feet). By reaching at 8 feet this system possesses a data transfer rate of astonishing 330 megabits per second. This data transfer rate happened to be three time much more than the current Wi-Fi rate and this system used astonishing thousand times lesser than the power, which a regular Wi-Fi link uses in general.

A technologist had heaped praise on this system and had claimed that one can send a video in just a matter of seconds without consuming any energy from the wearable device. It should be noted that it is the transmitter, which expends the energy in the environment not the watch or any other wearable.

How this technology will work in real world environment

This technology requires a base station and a Wi-Fi service for efficient working. In order to compensate the lower power drainage on the wearable devices, it is essential that the computer or any other technology working with it possess rather a longer battery life. The best resort will be to keep it plugged it for once and all. This will mean that the router will use more power outages than before. At the moment researchers are working aggressively to find a perfect solution for this problem.

The potential of this remarkable technology

This technology shows enough potential to be used not just in the consumer products sectors but also in other sectors such as robotics and aircraft as well as aerospace engineering.

Aerospace will be benefitted with this technology as it will much better ways to transmit the images at a lower costs than the present devices at disposal. Even sending more than one images at a given time will become feasible with this technology.

Currently NASA and UCLA are in talks with the commercial partner with an aim of bringing this remarkable technology to the common users and even bring in a new revolution in the field of communication.