Showing posts with label Project Soli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Project Soli. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Google built a tiny radar system into a smartwatch for gesture controls


Google’s Tiny Radar Chips in Electronics – Controlling Digital World

In a conference room at an important tech corporation like Google, Ivan Poupyrey who works at Google’s ATAP research lab had posed a question on `How are you going to interact with an invisible computer? Poupyrey a technical project lead for Project Soli which has been designed to prove that we can embed tiny radar chips in electronics so that minute hand gestures could be utilised in controlling the digital world around us.

Advanced Technologies and Projects – ATAP is a division within Google which is at crossroads. Formerly led by Regina Dugan of DARPA recognition together with her influence had led the division to stream technologies which would range from modular phones – Project Ara, to real time 3D mapping- Tango, to cinematic, live-action virtual reality movies – Spotlight Stories.

Earlier in the year she had left for Facebook and hence it was a question whether the project left behind by her would continue. Tango had progressed into Google while Ara seemed stuck in the muck. However, the Jacquard touch-sensitive fabric project together with the Soli is yet at ATAP whereas Soli has at least a new and a remarkable goal, creating the industry as well as the project language for radar-enabled consumer electronics.

Radar to Work in SmartWatch

For this reason, Poupyrey had engaged his team to prepare for more than just experiment so as to ascertain that radar can work in a smart watch. Poupyrey had commented that if one can put something in a smartwatch, you could put it anywhere. So ATAP had redesigned the Soli chip in order to make it smaller and pull less power. It then redesigned it to do the same thing again and again.

Eventually according to Hakin Raja, lead hardware and production engineer of Soli, the team developed the smallest of the chips which is a tiny sliver one could balance on the pinky toenail, with four antennas which tend to offer full duplex communication in sending and receiving radar beeps. The first duplication of Soli shipped in a development kit, drew 1.2w of power while this one tends to draw 0.054 w x 22x reduction. But developing a chip which is small tends to have some setback. Radar had been designed to identify massive flying metal objects from miles away, not tiny millimetre movement from finger just inches away.

Logical to Convert Spatial Signal Radar into Temporal One

Till recently, no one was concerned about the power draw at this scale and no one had to deal with believing what the signal would look like when it had shrunk down. Lead research engineer for Soli is Jaime Lien and it is her task to tune the machine learning procedures which get hardwired in the chip. Her main understanding was that it was logical to convert the spatial signal radar provided into a temporal one, tends to make sense on a computer.

But the same was nothing when compared to noise pollution and one would run into these small scales. She portrayed a vast set of screenshots of all types of impenetrable noise which her processes need to locate signal and at these scales it seems impossible to do any kind of beam forming. Moreover the electrons running through the chip need to be accounted for.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Tipster Talks About Google's Project Soli Kit Invites


Google’s Future of Radar Based Technology For Hand Gestures - Wearable

Google has its focus on future of radar based technology for hand gestures with wearable and the future, where one could interact with wearable technology without the need of physical control like buttons and the fingers could act as buttons.

Project Soli had been announced as an interaction sensor in making use of radar technology, earlier this year. Regarding Soli, a Google Advanced Technology and Projects division – ATAP video had been posted in May giving information about the same. The technical program lead at ATAP started off by, introducing himself as Ivan Poupyrev, adding that capturing the possibilities of the human hand had been one of his passions and how could it be applied with the capabilities to the virtual world.

He informed that they use radars and there is nothing to break, no lenses, no moving parts. He said in the video that radar has been utilised for several things, like tracking cars, big objects, satellites as well as planes. It is being used to track micro motions, twitches of human hand and use it to interact with wearable and other computing devices.

Project Soli – Tiny Chips with Radar like Potentials

According to M Dee Dubroff, from `Project Soli focuses on the fact that the ability to function is not always the job of the device but the movements of the user especially hands and fingers. She informs that the project depends on tiny chip with radar like potentials and can pick up the smallest of movements.

Details of the ATAP presentation earlier this year had been provided by Alex Davies in Tom’s Hardware, when Poupyrev showed hand gestures and how they could be related for interactions. He informed about rubbing thumb and index finger together in order to simulate turning a dial, changing time on a simulated watch face and use distance in controlling if the hours or minutes were adjusted, based on how far a hand was from the sensor.

Radar tends to have some unique properties such as very high positional accuracy according to the video where the smallest movement can be traced.

Radar Hardware into Gesture Sensor

Lead research engineer, Project Soli, Jaime Lien said that the focus of the team was in taking radar hardware and turn it into a gesture sensor. Latest information is that Google has been notifying developers of a forthcoming Project Soli Alpha DevKit. Liam Spradlin had written in Android Police that Google had sent application for a small group of Project Soli dev kits.

He informed that according to an adviser Google had begun notifying interested groups of an upcoming `Soli Alpha DevKit’, asking those notified to fill out application for the chance to receive the same.Spradlin further added that the email stated that those selected to receive it would get a development board and SDK together with the opportunity of participating in a Soli Alpha developer workshop somewhere in the future.

Potential developers in return were asked to participate in the private user group, to accept software updates and make something really cool. Special note had been made by Poupyrev in the video which was done earlier this year and he is looking forward in releasing this enterprise to the development group